22 Reasons Not To Go On a Road Trip With My Brother
by Sam Winchester
1. His car only plays cassettes. Seriously.
2. He picks the worst spots to camp - You're likely to eaten alive, and I ain't talking mosquitoes....(Fortunately, Dean will go first, because apparently he tastes good.)
3. You'll lose your love of swimming.
4. He stops at the worst places to shop for clothes.
5. He tends to antagonize the police.
6. You never know whether you're giving the keys to him or an evil shapeshifter.
7. He wouldn't know a good cup of coffee if it bit him on the ass.
8. He'd rather squat in an empty house than go to a motal, and then he hogs the bathroom.
9. Road trips are great, but he never wants to go home.
10. You go the slightest bit stir-crazy and he no longer trusts you with a loaded gun.
11. You have one little disagreement he does't hesitate to leave you at the side of the road.
12. Even if he dies. he'll still be a backseat driver.
13. He has a bad habit of playing chicken wiht ghost trucks.
14. Objects in the rearviw mirror may be less natural than they appear.
15. He's no help in a fight - he can't even handle a thirteen- year-old girl.
16. His downstairs brain is always impairing his upstairs brain.
17. He's very careless with where he leaves his itching powder.
18. When you think he's watching your back, he's off playing video games.
19. He forgets his wallet inf the most inconvenient places.
20. He accepts roadside assistance from vampires.
21. He lets minor road blocks - like fire - keep you from reaching your destination.
22. "Road kill" takes on a whole new meaning.
22 个不要跟我兄弟一起开车旅行的理由
1. 他的车子只能放卡带,这是真的。
2. 他总是找最糟的地方去露营,让你差一点被活活吃掉,我讲的可不是被蚊子咬。(幸好,迪恩总是一马当先,显然他看起来比较好吃)
3. 你游泳时会失去你心爱的东西。
4. 他总是在最糟地方买衣服。
5. 他喜欢跟警察起冲突。
6. 你不知道你把钥匙交给了他还是邪恶的换形者。
7. 除非洒到他屁股上,不然他不知道什麼叫好咖啡。
8. 他宁可闯入空屋也不愿去住旅馆,然后他可以霸占整个浴室。
9. 公路旅行是很不错,但他从来不肯回家。
12. 就算他要死了,他也要指挥你怎麼开车。
13. 他有个坏毛病就是面对幽灵卡车时会变的胆小。
14. 在镜子后面的东西,也许比它所显现的更不自然。
15. 叫他打架是没有用的,他甚至连个十三岁的小女生都打不过。
16. 他用下半身思考来代替用大脑思考。
17. 他非常大意,不知道会在那里放了让人发痒的粉。
18. 你以为他会帮你关照你,没想到他跑出去打电动。
19. 他把他的皮夹掉在最让人难堪的地方。。
20. 他居然接受路边吸血鬼的帮助。
21. 只因为一点点小的障碍,像火,他就不让你达成你目标。
22. 交通事故,从此有了全新的意义。
转自 只缘身在此山中
发现自 supernatural中文网
by Sam Winchester
1. His car only plays cassettes. Seriously.
2. He picks the worst spots to camp - You're likely to eaten alive, and I ain't talking mosquitoes....(Fortunately, Dean will go first, because apparently he tastes good.)
3. You'll lose your love of swimming.
4. He stops at the worst places to shop for clothes.
5. He tends to antagonize the police.
6. You never know whether you're giving the keys to him or an evil shapeshifter.
7. He wouldn't know a good cup of coffee if it bit him on the ass.
8. He'd rather squat in an empty house than go to a motal, and then he hogs the bathroom.
9. Road trips are great, but he never wants to go home.
10. You go the slightest bit stir-crazy and he no longer trusts you with a loaded gun.
11. You have one little disagreement he does't hesitate to leave you at the side of the road.
12. Even if he dies. he'll still be a backseat driver.
13. He has a bad habit of playing chicken wiht ghost trucks.
14. Objects in the rearviw mirror may be less natural than they appear.
15. He's no help in a fight - he can't even handle a thirteen- year-old girl.
16. His downstairs brain is always impairing his upstairs brain.
17. He's very careless with where he leaves his itching powder.
18. When you think he's watching your back, he's off playing video games.
19. He forgets his wallet inf the most inconvenient places.
20. He accepts roadside assistance from vampires.
21. He lets minor road blocks - like fire - keep you from reaching your destination.
22. "Road kill" takes on a whole new meaning.
22 个不要跟我兄弟一起开车旅行的理由
1. 他的车子只能放卡带,这是真的。
2. 他总是找最糟的地方去露营,让你差一点被活活吃掉,我讲的可不是被蚊子咬。(幸好,迪恩总是一马当先,显然他看起来比较好吃)
3. 你游泳时会失去你心爱的东西。
4. 他总是在最糟地方买衣服。
5. 他喜欢跟警察起冲突。
6. 你不知道你把钥匙交给了他还是邪恶的换形者。
7. 除非洒到他屁股上,不然他不知道什麼叫好咖啡。
8. 他宁可闯入空屋也不愿去住旅馆,然后他可以霸占整个浴室。
9. 公路旅行是很不错,但他从来不肯回家。
12. 就算他要死了,他也要指挥你怎麼开车。
13. 他有个坏毛病就是面对幽灵卡车时会变的胆小。
14. 在镜子后面的东西,也许比它所显现的更不自然。
15. 叫他打架是没有用的,他甚至连个十三岁的小女生都打不过。
16. 他用下半身思考来代替用大脑思考。
17. 他非常大意,不知道会在那里放了让人发痒的粉。
18. 你以为他会帮你关照你,没想到他跑出去打电动。
19. 他把他的皮夹掉在最让人难堪的地方。。
20. 他居然接受路边吸血鬼的帮助。
21. 只因为一点点小的障碍,像火,他就不让你达成你目标。
22. 交通事故,从此有了全新的意义。
转自 只缘身在此山中
发现自 supernatural中文网