✿❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ✟Meet is two person's matters, leaving is a personal decision; met is a start, leave is to meet the next. This is a popular to leave the world, but we are not good at farewell ——Milan Kunderaஐ
今日经验到碗里来。 ✿❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ✟Meet is two person's matters, leaving is a personal decision; met is a start, leave is to meet the next. This is a popular to leave the world, but we are not good at farewell ——Milan Kunderaஐ