[Welcome to join us.] 精灵在低唱,王冠在闪耀。 [This is not the best.] 精灵在旋转,荆棘在高傲。 [but this is our most attentively gift] 精灵在胆怯,假面在浅笑。 [If you become a member of us] 精灵在愤怒,城堡在远眺。 [Please love it.] [求署名.]
[Welcome to join us.] 精灵在低唱,王冠在闪耀。 [This is not the best.] 精灵在旋转,荆棘在高傲。 [but this is our most attentively gift] 精灵在胆怯,假面在浅笑。 [If you become a member of us] 精灵在愤怒,城堡在远眺。 [Please love it.] 祝罪宴首宣成功。 [求署名.]