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IP属地:天津1楼2014-01-08 14:51回复
    Japan's population declined by a record 244,000 people in 2013, according to health ministry estimates.
    The ministry said an estimated 1,031,000 babies were born last year - down some 6,000 from the previous year.
    Mean while, the number of people that died last year was 1,275,000 - a rise of around 19,000 from 2012.
    Japan's population has been shrinking for several years now. If current trends persist it will lose a third of its population in the next 50 years.
    A quarter of the population is currently aged over 65 and that figure is expected to reach nearly 40% by 2060.
    The government says the population totalled 126,393,679 as of 31 March - down 0.2% from a year earlier.
    Japan has taken aggressive measures in recent months to spur growth in the world's third-biggest economy, after years of stagnation.

    IP属地:天津2楼2014-01-08 14:52
      Eurasian- H K 859 points 2 days ago
      Japan has been in negative population growth for a while now. I m sure this is the new record of how much the population has decreased compared to last census.
      Crazy_ G l raffe 16 points 1 day ago
      lived there. if they didn't fucking spend 14+ hours at work every fucking day including saturday then may be they'd have time to have sex....
      Duct tape on 1 760 points 2 days ago*
      That's why Japan has been so interested in robots recently.
      Here_ To_ Offend it 5 points 1 day ago
      I wish the U S would pick up on this trend.
      Patrik l l 158 points 2 days ago
      Japan doesn't need population, because bots do all the work for them.

      IP属地:天津3楼2014-01-08 14:52
        Dr Co ke 30 points 2 days ago
        I just got back from a trip to my grand parents' places in Japan. They live in pretty rural areas, and I hear the same issues from both sides of my families. Their local elementary/middle schools are either being completely shut down due to lack of students, or each class is dwindling rapidly. It was rather depressing to listen to.
        It looks like these rural areas are feeling this effect first due to the younger generation moving towards the bigger cities for the same reasons for the decline in birth rates: career fulfillment.
        Carda mom tea 11 points 2 days ago
        This is actually a huge problem for the aging issue. All the youth and skilled workers go to the cities, leaving rural economies to dry, and also fewer care providers in those areas for the elderly.
        Pu juma of it 24 points 1 day ago
        India: "Don't worry, we got this covered"
        Kul raj is kulraj 3 points 1 day ago
        We can lend you some populations

        IP属地:天津4楼2014-01-08 14:52
          Bake dame rican 187 points 2 days ago
          It's only going to continue to decline as Japan's population is made up of many elderly people. The only reason the United States hasn't faced the same problem is because of the large number of immigrants that move in every year.
          Modern Dema go gue 3 points 1 day ago
          Every one's population should be falling. There's a massive oversupply of labor.
          Nice Try G C H Q 4 points 1 day ago
          A lot of people here don't seem to realise you can fuck with out getting pregnant
          Ra zeng han 17 points 2 days ago
          Who knew that working long hours and wasting your night exhaustedly drinking with your boss because he expects you to would lead to less sex?
          Inter nator l 40 points 2 days ago
          Japan's population falls 'by record 244,000' in 2013. I'm ready to do my duty and impregnate a few Japanese girls.

          IP属地:天津5楼2014-01-08 14:53
            Faster find it out 185 points 2 days ago
            It needs to happen. They're overpopulated, and shit is crazy expensive over there. They work too many hours in a a week and life isn't worth living. Too many people all trying too hard and being crazy about life. They need to slow down.
            Fat blank x 3 points 1 day ago
            Quality over quantity sounds appealing to me!
            John Watson 5 points 1 day ago
            That's not bad. This planet actually has too many people.
            F I g 5 points 2 days ago
            their little island is way overpopulated
            K cora pi 2 points 1 day ago
            china must be jealous

            IP属地:天津6楼2014-01-08 14:53
              J w y che 2 points 1 day ago
              You mean the country that's overflowing with racism, suicide, and has the least amount of sex per capita in the world has a declining population? No way!
              April_ Fab b 2 points 1 day ago*
              Not sure why Japan is being singled out here. They're far from the only country with a negative birth rate, and they certainly don't have the lowest numbers either. Look up Latvia, Lithuania or Cook Islands for some harsh numbers.
              Samu rice x 2 points 1 day ago
              Some places can learn a thing or two from this (looking at you Mexico, India, China, A L L of Africa...).
              他们可以向一些国家学习(看看墨西哥,印度,中国,还有非洲吧) ————————躺枪有木有?

              IP属地:天津本楼含有高级字体7楼2014-01-08 14:54
                Big Bend over 2 points 1 day ago
                Why is the population falling? Is it to do with the culture? Can some one please explain?
                Re brain it 4 points 2 days ago
                Hey Japan, time to go fuck yourself!
                Pats n sox 16 points 2 days ago
                This is great, more countries need to go this direction. Hilarious tones to articles like these though, as if the fucking human race is going to go extinct.
                Bone leech 4 points 2 days ago
                Japan's population falls 'by record 244,000' in 2013. Time to pack my things , Japan's women need me!
                Chip Ay ten 3 points 2 days ago
                Humans have been raping the planet for its resources for quite some time. The threat of overpopulation is real, glad to see Japan is doing their part to alleviate the pressure on humanities long term feasibility.

                IP属地:天津8楼2014-01-08 14:54
                  Cyan Man ta 4 points 2 days ago
                  As crowded as Japan is, I would think they would enjoy having a little more space.
                  I chi go 3 points 2 days ago
                  Japanese ladies, I will be happy to help you with this problem. P l s respond
                  P t b 4life 2 points 2 days ago
                  If more countries followed this trend, I think we'd be in a better place for the future
                  Se wil 4 points 2 days ago
                  This needs to happen in China and India... together they make up for 36.5% of the world population. Japan "only" makes up for 1.78%.

                  IP属地:天津本楼含有高级字体9楼2014-01-08 14:55
                    Luves doges l 1 points 2 days ago
                    It is happening. Here is the chart for population growth rate for India --
                    http://www.tradingeconomics.com/ ... ercent-wb-data.html
                    this is China --
                    http://www.tradingeconomics.com/ ... ercent-wb-data.html
                    e d b_15 2 points 2 days ago
                    The Japanese government needs some one to fuck all those Japanese girls. SOME ONE LIKE M E.
                    Mc cause land 1 point 2 days ago
                    Depopulate Japan and the rest of the developed world.
                    Take in Immigrants.

                    IP属地:天津10楼2014-01-08 14:57
                      Bowl Of Dix 1 point 2 days ago
                      Low population growth is happening all over the world. The only places with increasing populations are the very poor. The poor love to have babies. I think people should have less kids. Robots are going to take all the jobs eventually.
                      Name Snag here 0 points 2 days ago
                      Last I heard, Japan has the highest suicide rate too
                      Sport freun de 0 points 2 days ago
                      Is Japan the only Western country (I know they're very different from other western countries but based on development standards) to not have immigration or at least no immigration of people from developing countries?

                      IP属地:天津12楼2014-01-08 14:57
                        C quinte l 1 point 1 day ago
                        I like asian girls...so oo I will be going to Japan to help in the growth of their population!...I just want to help!
                        Welcome_ to_ Rapture 1 point 1 day ago
                        Since the population of Japan is decreasing they're going to need immigrants. I'm thinking about moving; any one else?
                        Gan ja The Grey 1 point 1 day ago
                        Fuck in radiation, just wait till the whole radiation power plant blows up
                        Man bear666 -2 points 2 days ago
                        Do people ever move to Japan? I think I'd like it there.
                        Mu ta tron 1 point 2 days ago
                        Why do so many think this is a "problem" that needs to be "fixed"?

                        IP属地:天津13楼2014-01-08 14:57
                          Hot to pin 0 points 1 day ago
                          Great news for japan. Population decline leads to high wages and better working conditions.
                          M f punk 1 point 2 days ago
                          And in other, totally unrelated, news: Fukushima is super safe, you guys.
                          Z o r o_ 1 point 2 days ago
                          Being from a friendly nation, I will take this gigantic responsibility and shall repopulate Japan to the fullest.
                          Mar c m 2 points 2 days ago
                          Why not the U S A or China!? Japan is one of the few countries that should be propagating.

                          IP属地:天津14楼2014-01-08 14:58

                            IP属地:天津15楼2014-01-08 14:58
                              Hot to pin 0 points 1 day ago
                              Great news for japan. Population decline leads to high wages and better working conditions.
                              M f punk 1 point 2 days ago
                              And in other, totally unrelated, news: Fukushima is super safe, you guys.
                              Z o r o_ 1 point 2 days ago
                              Being from a friendly nation, I will take this gigantic responsibility and shall repopulate Japan to the fullest.
                              Mar c m 2 points 2 days ago
                              Why not the U S A or China!? Japan is one of the few countries that should be propagating.

                              来自Android客户端16楼2014-01-08 15:18