Shh. You see, what I found? There is a lone LZ, we can try to capture it, a landlord can provide several days of energy, they are rich in protein, but the landlord can not deal with. We slowly approach it from behind, be careful not to make any noise." "Hey, I caught, it struggled badly! We put its head cut off, the rest of the parts can be eaten, the protein content is 6 times, beef, of course, if the time is not urgent, we can first toast, that would be more delicious." "Well, they taste Beng crisp, tastes like chicken."..嘘~你们看,我发现了什么?这里有一只落单的楼主,我们可以尝试捕捉它,一只楼主可以为我们提供好几天的能量,它们富含大量的蛋白质,不过楼主可不好对付。我们慢慢从后面接近它,小心别发出任何声音。” “嘿,我抓到了,它挣扎得很厉害!我们把它的头割下来,其余的部位可以生吃,他的蛋白质含量是牛肉的6倍,当然,如果时间不紧迫,我们可以先烤一烤,那样会更美味。” “嗯,它们的口感嘎嘣脆,味道就像鸡肉一样。” 。。