珀西杰克逊吧 关注:11,516贴子:597,426
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Though the Greek andRoman crewmembers of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, theystill seem no closer to defeating the earth mother, Gaea. Her giants haverisen—all of them, and they’re stronger than ever. They must be stopped beforethe Feast of Spes, when Gaea plans to have two demigods sacrificed inAthens. She needs theirblood—the blood ofOlympus—in order to wake.The demigods are having more frequent visions of a terrible battle atCampHalf-Blood.The Roman legion fromCampJupiter, led by Octavian,is almost within striking distance
Though it is tempting to take the Athena Parthenos toAthensto use as a secret weapon, the friends know thatthe huge statue belongs back onLong Island,where it might be able to stop a war between the two camps. The AthenaParthenos will go west; the Argo II will go east. The gods, still sufferingfrom multiple personality disorder, are useless. How can a handful of youngdemigods hope to persevere against Gaea’s army of powerful giants? As dangerous as it is to head toAthens, they have no other option. They havesacrificed too much already. And if Gaea wakes, it is game over.

IP属地:美国1楼2013-11-29 22:44回复
    英语白痴理解:大致就是希腊罗马两个营地必须化解误会,合力击败大地之母盖亚,而且必须在那什么前(the Feastof Spes)。盖亚需要一男一女半神的血液,获得摧毁奥林匹斯的力量。(?)屋大维率领罗马军团已经进入了攻击混血营的范围?雅典娜雕像可以作为一个秘密武器,但她(它?)属于长岛,或许能停止两个营地的战争。所以雕像向西,阿尔戈二号向东。诸神仍处在希腊|罗马精神分裂症中,他们能帮的忙很少?年轻的混血们如何才能在手无寸铁的情况下击败盖亚强大的巨人们?前往雅典注定是危险的?他们没有选择,他们已牺牲了太多。如果盖亚醒来,那么一切都结束了。

    IP属地:美国2楼2013-11-29 22:45
      翻译渣飘过 ……⊙▽⊙

      来自Android客户端3楼2013-11-30 00:16
        大致没错= =+那一男一女半神目测就波安了

        4楼2013-12-06 12:02

          来自手机贴吧5楼2013-12-08 15:03