他们的解释是,因为这会让民众误以为(would be misleading)非转基因的食品比转基因更安全(见下面一段引文)。![](
A statement that a food was not bioengineered or does not contain
bioengineered ingredients may be misleading if it implies that the
labeled food is superior to foods that are not so labeled. FDA has
concluded that the use or absence of use of bioengineering in the
production of a food or ingredient does not, in and of itself, mean
that there is a material difference in the food. Therefore, a label
statement that expresses or implies that a food is superior (e.g.,
safer or of higher quality) because it is not bioengineered would be
misleading. The agency will evaluate the entire label and labeling in
determining whether a label statement is in a context that implies that
the food is superior.
(The term "GMO free" may be misleading on most foods ... FDA does not have information with which to establish a threshold level of bioengineered constituents or ingredients in foods for the statement "free of bioengineered material.")
他们的解释是,因为这会让民众误以为(would be misleading)非转基因的食品比转基因更安全(见下面一段引文)。
A statement that a food was not bioengineered or does not contain
bioengineered ingredients may be misleading if it implies that the
labeled food is superior to foods that are not so labeled. FDA has
concluded that the use or absence of use of bioengineering in the
production of a food or ingredient does not, in and of itself, mean
that there is a material difference in the food. Therefore, a label
statement that expresses or implies that a food is superior (e.g.,
safer or of higher quality) because it is not bioengineered would be
misleading. The agency will evaluate the entire label and labeling in
determining whether a label statement is in a context that implies that
the food is superior.
(The term "GMO free" may be misleading on most foods ... FDA does not have information with which to establish a threshold level of bioengineered constituents or ingredients in foods for the statement "free of bioengineered material.")