三角绿箭炸开花吧 关注:309贴子:16,546




1楼2013-10-11 14:45回复
    【新闻】前天Dispatch写的一篇有关东云的新闻,翻成中字了(今天去点英文版的时候找不到了)英韩混著翻可能不太精细,希望没有太大错误。看完这篇真的感动无比,东云每一次的进步和努力我们都感受到也看见了,我们忙内会越来越棒的!(cr兔纸TokkiChu )

    2楼2013-10-13 21:58
      翻译:彬彬 小破 制图:凌 出处:B-DING见模板
      起光:我自己可以满足的送走20代的日子,但还很遥远.要做的也很多,想要做的事情也很多,要实现的也很多,我有着许多欲望。在20代时,实现80%自己想要做的事情,在30代以后才能享受,做自己想做的事才有意思的活着不是么?CB前也是,早上在手机笔记本中记录下今天要做4 ~ 5个左右的日程,在日程一览表上逐一打上圈就度过了一天。那样,一天两天树立计划努力去做,以后回过头来看的话会觉得收获更大,不是么?

      12楼2013-10-18 16:21
        采访│131007 耀燮PLAYDB访谈
        cr BEAST台湾官方后援会
        131007 耀燮 PLAYDB 访谈
        “耀燮的约瑟夫, 不能错过"
        问:正确的生活?(笑) 被称为概念偶像果然有其原因呢。
        答:随著宣传结束现在打算不管理了。虽然不是拿用活动用,但我觉得活动也结束了没有必要还花时间来维持腹肌。嗯…看过那个影片 (<约瑟夫的神奇彩衣>) 了吧。(一同笑出声)原始版本、我们国家的演出都看过了,这次演出人员好像想乾脆就都脱了的样子。说是穿著背心跟这部剧不合适,所以做好觉悟中。(笑)
        答:我常上歌迷网站呢。 因为大家都在说买票的事,所以我在想到时公演时会不会前面位置都是我的歌迷呢。然后脱上衣又是第一次看,所以应该会有更多人来吧(笑)。歌迷之间会将(约瑟夫的神奇彩衣)照片传来传去,说会穿这种衣服,将照片也上传上去。还有说一定会去看。
        答:啊…. 真的吗?
        答:我想试试看<莫札特!> 。看了贤胜的演出后吓了一跳。之前贤胜在我们都在的时候以玩笑式的演给我们看,那时候真的演的很糟糕,很担心他是那部大作品的主角,那样演出的话会出事的。在充满担忧的情况下去看了他的演出,却表演的很好呢。当时我已经不是在看张贤胜,而是投入到贤胜演的莫札特角色,贤胜真的演的很好,那个角色也有让人想要演出的那样具有魅力。

        16楼2013-10-18 17:02
          cr Chancy柚
          Q:年末的时候又看到Trouble Maker,让人挺开心的。你觉得怎么样?
          Q:你最近与A Pink的恩地、南珠合作,发行了一首新歌《一年之前》。

          18楼2013-10-18 18:06
            cr aboutmusic

            20楼2013-10-18 18:10
              130803 梁耀燮 Instagram更新
              cr Yobsession迷恋

              24楼2013-10-18 19:30
                #梁耀燮#【ELLE GIRL采访翻译】" It's My Voice 梁耀燮的真挚 " 从访谈的对话中大家可以更了解耀燮的真诚和认真,对自己的谦虚和成员的重要性 我们小爷真的是很棒的男人哈哈哈
                cr Yobsession迷恋

                28楼2013-10-18 20:04
                  【梁耀燮日杂翻译】130525-130607 TVstation 12호 涉及的采访翻译
                  整理:金炒饭 翻译:Uni

                  30楼2013-10-18 20:13
                    131023 日杂 TV STATION 采访翻译

                    35楼2013-10-25 11:28
                      【新闻】 「“只有19禁吗?”…‘TM’,非议与误会」来源:dispatch 翻译:巧克力 转载注明:SoulPeace

                      37楼2013-11-05 16:24
                        「131031 日杂 韩Fun 采访翻译」CR:B-Dong&YS_AYA 翻译:巧克力 幽幽 曦曦 转载注明:SoulPeace

                        45楼2013-11-05 17:32
                          [TRANS] 131107 Wink Up Japanese Magazine
                          All the members of popular group BEAST made an appearance on WiNK UP!
                          From the talks of the album release late last month to live performances etc, they talked about many things.
                          Doojoon: So BEAST! Konichiwa, BEAST-des! (Hello, we're BEAST!) We released our album on 30th October.
                          Hyunseung: Junhyung-goon was in charge writing the lyrics, composing and producing the whole album. What kind of meaning does the album title have?
                          Junhyung: *Forming bubbles in his drink using his straw* Ah...
                          Yoseob: Are you a middle school kid?!
                          Junhyung: Sumimasen (I'm sorry)~ *laughs* Um, it has the meaning of 'Love is really difficult'. The songs in this album contains songs that express the different types of love.
                          Hyunseung: The Japanese version of 『Shadow』 is a song that depicts the loneliness that comes after parting with the girlfriend that he stuck by like a Shadow, everyone when you break up with your girlfriend, are you the type to look back or are you the type to move forward?
                          Yoseob: Isn't everyone the type to look forward? But I think it doesn't just apply to dating but to everything.
                          Kikwang: Yup. There are many men who are the type to drag things out but we're not like that.
                          Yoseob: Men who lingers around have no charm!
                          Dongwoon: That's right. Even if you have lingering feelings, when time passes, it's still exactly the same.
                          Hyunseung: That's philosophical.
                          Dongwoon: When I was in elementary school, I studied philosophy, I'm being serious.
                          Kikwang: Ah so you're a bright boy huh *laughs*
                          Yoseob: But when I was promoting my solo album, I talked about the MV kiss scene on Wink Up interview, the other members also have kiss scenes in their dramas, right. Who do you think kisses well?
                          Dongwoon: Junhyungie hyung!
                          Junhyung: What?! Why?!
                          Dongwoon Nothing, it's just your image *laughs*
                          Doojoon: Isn't it Kikwang-goon? Just by looking at his seductive lips, you'll know.
                          Junhyung: But in the drama, isn't the kiss scene the same as Michael Jackson's dance *laughs*
                          Doojoon: It'll be good if he hugged the shoulders.
                          Kikwang: *grins sheepishly* I'll definitely show you the next time *laughs*
                          Dongwoon: I will definitely check all the dramas that the hyungs appear in!
                          Kikwang: Because I know the members' real personality, if I watch their acting, I'll end up laughing so I can't watch it. Because I'll end up teasing them, I purposely choose not to watch it.
                          Hyunseung: Although dramas are good but our job is music! We'll be starting the Japan tour from January onwards. You can anticipate it~ Ah, right! During our lives, were there any mistakes (you did)? *with a triumph look* I don't remember a single instance where I made a huge mistake on stage.
                          Dongwoon: Now we sing our songs in Japanese too right. So while I was in Taiwan while singing 『SHOCK』 live, I unconsciously sang it in Japanese. *laughs*
                          Yoseob: For some reason, Dongwoon-goon's pants always get ripped during Japan performances. In Kobe's show too his pants were torn *laugh*
                          Doojoon: There was also an instance of wanting to go nearer to the fans so he stepped forward on stage but there was fire and following that there was the smell of meat roasting - it was Dongwoon's hand being toasted *laughs* Right?
                          Kikwang: Yup. It's lucky that it was just a light burn.
                          Dongwoon: I wanted to go nearer to the fans. During performances, we can see the fans' faces clearly.
                          Doojoon: The sparkly (eye) look that looks at us, we really feel the love so we're happy! If there's anyone coming for the first time to our tour next year, from start to end, I hope you can watch without missing out on anything. Please have lots of fun and think 'I want to go again next time'.
                          Kikwang: We'll surely make it a fun performance! So leader, as an end for the readers, please give some advice, life's senior!
                          Doojoon: Your teens (10s) are your most happy years/time so please make good memories. I too would like to return to that time period. Don't worry about the future, study hard, spend fun times with your friends, I think that is life's treasures.
                          Please DO NOT re-translate into another language.
                          Translations will contain inaccuracies.
                          CREDITS: @a8sun (SOURCE), @KongKongXD (JPN-KRN trans), @yongjunna (KRN-EN trans)

                          50楼2013-11-07 23:17
                            Q & A
                            Q1. Japanese artist or work (drama or song) that you like?
                            DuJun: In high school I watched TERIYAKI BOYZ®'s videos often that I wore NIGO®'s produced brand (A BATHING APE) a lot!
                            HyunSeung: Utada Hikaru and w-inds. I've liked them since middle school so the songs are still on my mind.
                            JunHyung: Kana Nishino. I liked the song 『涙色 (Color of Tears)』 so I listened to the album continuously for a time. I like 『NARUTO』. I like adventure stories, stories that make my heart cry.
                            YoSeop: I grew up listening to X-JAPAN and L'Arc~en~Ciel's songs since I was young so I still like them! If I could make a song together... then it'd be a great honor!
                            GiKwang: I don't have a specific artist but if there were any Japanese artists who would do a collaboration with us, then I would really want to try it!
                            DongWoon: I've liked Yui Aragaki since I was a high school student♥ She goes past cuteness and is in the angel level! My favorite singer is Ken Hirai.
                            Q2. The type of women you like?
                            DuJun: Because I like to exercise, I would like a woman who will enjoy exercising together, or even if she didn't, someone who could act as if she was moving her body together (laughs).
                            HyunSeung: A woman who can do well by herself without me doing this and that for her is my ideal type.
                            JunHyung: A cute, nice, and active person. I'm truthfully answering this question! (laughs)
                            YoSeop: A woman like Nodame from Nodame Cantabile! Having some cuteness and even if she's a bit unique, she's lovely.
                            GiKwang: Because I don't say much, a person who likes to talk and is bright.
                            DongWoon: A person who matches well with our conversation and heart is my ideal type. And also a person who has manners and is courteous to elders.
                            Q3. The fashion that you like on a woman?
                            DuJun: Pants fashion with a calm color. Skinny or straight pants, if it suits the person then it doesn't matter. I like pants more than skirts♥
                            HyunSeung: Not too colorful or simple, but I like a style that is attractive. If they have a unique style and suits well with it, then it'll grab my attention!
                            JunHyung: A skirt mini or long that can portray the feminine fell then either way is OK. I like a person who can make it into her own style regardless of the length♥
                            YoSeop: If it suits well for that person then anything will be OK.
                            GiKwang: I would say that I like more of a lady-like than a sexy feel. I like feminine look.
                            DongWoon: I like a simple style (laughs). I disagree on wearing sexy clothes because other guys will see!
                            Q4. Interesting Japanese words/phrases you know of?
                            DuJun: 今でしょ! (Right now!) It's currently popular in Japan right? I said it a lot during the last concert (laughs). When the members asked "いつやるの? (When will you do it?)" everyone said "Right now!"
                            HyunSeung: It might now be funny but "大好き! (I really like it)", "さようなら (Good bye)", "今でしょ (Right now)" and "うっそ~ (You're lying, you're joking!, Really?)"
                            JunHyung: "ヤバイ! (Wow! Amazing! Awful!)" I memorized it after hearing the Japanese fans saying it. It has the same meaning as the Korean word "대박! (Daebak!)"
                            YoSeop: "母のほうがいい (I like mom more)". It's a phrase I've recently memorized. Also "食べてもいい? (Can I eat it?)" I use this often!
                            GiKwang: The Fukuoka dialect "しゃれとんしゃ". It means 'your style is cool/great,' but because it's a dialect they say that it won't be understood in Tokyo.
                            DongWoon: I like the Japanese word "お金 (Money)" (laughs).
                            Q5. Favorite Color?
                            DuJun: Red and black. There's no special reason but I'm attracted to it. I like red as it is masculine and a unique color.
                            HyunSeung: Red and black. Both go well with other colors when mixed and it has a strong feel to it, so I like it.
                            JunHyung: I feel like I want it if it is gold (colored). The watch, bracelets, and other accessories I have on right now are all gold (laughs).
                            YoSeop: White and black. I like it as they are opposite colors.
                            GiKwang: Black & white. Most of my clothes are of these colors so my closet is made up of black and white.
                            DongWoon: Purple. Just by looking at it I feel like going crazy (laughs).
                            Original Japanese magazine copy: @a8sun
                            Translation from Japanese to Korean: 콩콩XD / @KongKongXD
                            Translation from Korean to English by "My DREAM Boys (dream1016.tistory.com)" or @dreamboys1016 ; not 100% perfect, there might be mistakes.
                            Please take out with full credits, thank you :-)
                            * PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD THE SCANS ON TWITTER

                            53楼2013-11-08 09:11
                              131107 S Cawaii
                              Finally the start of the Japanese promotion!!
                              BEAST has released the album 「Hard to love, How to love-Japan Edition-」
                              It seems that there will be more opportunities to see them in Japan.
                              We wanted to more about them so we interviewed them on their new album and view on love.
                              — This is the Japanese Edition of the album that was released this July in Korea after a year. Tell us the theme and concept.
                              YoSeop: Just as the title 「Hard to love, How to love」 , there are songs on love in this album. We tried to add a variety of music and genres into the album, rather than having a specific concept. I think that with this one album, we were able to convey BEAST's charms.
                              — We heard that this time JunHyung composed all the songs. In which way did you compose the songs?
                              JunHyung: First you decide the song title. After that you make the chorus and chorus parts, choose the melody and chords, and at the end you arrange them. This time I thought of making a good song first. But you know it's hard to justify if this is a good song or not because there's no definition to it (laughs). So I put my heart into it to create the song.
                              — There is also a Japanese version of the title track 「Shadow」 in the album. How was it when you sang it in Japanese?
                              DongWoon: I think that there are two types when you change Korean to the Japanese version. It's either easier to sing or difficult to pronounce. Depending on the vocalization the pronunciation becomes difficult but 「Shadow」was a song that was easier. You could sing in a loud voice and I think the song was also easier to pronounce.
                              YoSeop: Everything was still hard. Especially the "たら" in "戻れたら~♪ (If I could go back)", where my tongue would twist/dry.
                              — 「Shadow」 is a song that describes the feelings of a man who constantly thinks of his ex-girlfriend. What type are you when you become broken-hearted/break up?
                              YoSeop: I'm the type that forgets (laughs). Obviously it'll depend on how we broke up.
                              HyunSeung: I would also depend on how I broke up but I don't think I'm the type that keeps it for a long time.
                              GiKwang: I think I will fall deep into my own thoughts in the beginning. Still the best medicine is time. I think as time goes by, I will be able to forget about it.
                              DongWoon: I try not to forget about it on purpose. I take in the pain from breaking up fully. Also it doesn't mean that there will only be bad things after breaking up, so I want to feel the happiness when good things happen.
                              DuJun: I act as if I'm okay (laughs). Because during that time I will be able to feel like I am really okay.
                              JunHyung: I'm the type that keeps it for a long time. Of course I try to forget about it (laughs). But it's nothing that happens easily as I want it to be.
                              — A song you want to recommend to the S-girl who is fashionable and active in relationships?
                              DuJun: 「How to Love」. The lyric is really beautiful and in life the age 20~25 is the most beautiful time, so there will be a lot of lines that everyone will be able to agree on.
                              GiKwang: I recommend 「Encore」. I think that the 20s is an age that is very energetic and flows with charms. This song is a very exciting dance song so I hope that you will have a drive with your friends, go on a journey, and have a great time while listening to this song.
                              HyunSeung: 「Shadow」. Because it is the title track, I think it would have been the song made with more attention. Also, imagine that we are the fans' shadows while listening to the song.
                              — Tell us your dreams or hopes with the upcoming Japanese promotions.
                              YoSeop: Dome tour!
                              GiKwang: I want to do a lot of concerts. So I hope to have more opportunities to meet with fans.
                              HyunSeung: I want to go out on music programs like Music Station. Also, I hope more people will get to know about BEAST.
                              Q1. What do you "LOVE" right now?
                              DuJun: Football. I started and played it as a student. My position was midfielder.
                              HyunSeung: Dart, game, watching movies. I've started darts 2 months ago and recently it's a small enjoyment for me.
                              JunHyung: Myself. If you can care deeply of your own self, then you will be able to care for others around you too.
                              YoSeop: Boxing and musical practices.
                              GiKwang: Composing studies and football. I'm currently in the Korean celebrity football team "FC MEN" with DuJun and YoSeop.
                              DongWoon: What I always care deeply about are my family, friends, members, staffs, and all the fans.
                              Q2. Where do you always visit when you come to Japan?
                              DuJun: The ramen restaurant Ichiran. All the members like ramen so when we come to Japan, we will go out to eat it at least once a day.
                              HyunSeung: I go to a clothe shop an acquaintance of mine introduced to me often. I like leather goods.
                              JunHyung: Ichiran. Even if you ask the other members I think it'll be the same answer (laughs). It's good to be able to change your taste.
                              YoSeop: The ramen restaurant Ichiran. I also want to go to a Japanese boxing gym.
                              GiKwang: The ramen restaurant Ichiran. I like clothes so sometimes I go to Harajuku, and I always visit a NIKE shop.
                              DongWoon: Ichiran ramen. Last year when we were in Japan for 20 days, we went there 10 times.
                              Q3. Something that you are better than the other 5 members?
                              DuJun: I think this will also be football. Among the members I'm the best!
                              HyunSeung: I think my specialty is dance. I want to improve on the ability when I'm on stage and as an artist to keep the audience focused on me.
                              JunHyung: Composing. The other members have musical talents but I think of composing as a 2nd job so I won't lose to them.
                              YoSeop: Because of boxing I won't lose in a fight! After I started boxing DuJun doesn't really bully me a lot now (laughs).
                              GiKwang: My will. I won't lose to the strong will that I have when I fall deeply into something and try to do it till the end.
                              DongWoon: My height and face. Of course the other 5 are handsome too but they're handsome in an Asian way while I have a Western feel, so I think I have a different charm.
                              Q4. The clothes you wear when you're sleeping?
                              DuJun: I always sleep with just my boxers on. I think that my body temperature is high so even if I wear something to sleep, I always wake up in my boxers. I think I take them off because it's hot.
                              HyunSeung: T-shirt and short pants. If it's too quiet I can't sleep so I have the TV or music turned on often.
                              JunHyung: Regardless of the weather I only wear my boxers to sleep. If I'm wearing something I feel uncomfortable so I can't fall asleep.
                              YoSeop: I get hot easily so a tank top or just in my boxers.
                              GiKwang: A comfortable shirt and short pants. I wake up easily so I do my best to make my room dark and sometimes I wear earplugs.
                              DongWoon: A pink Chopper design pants from a fan.
                              Q5. Tell us the member's secret!
                              DuJun: Can't wake up easily in the morning (laughs).
                              HyunSeung: He's a person who is the same as he shows it so there's no secret (laughs). If I was to choose one then he has a lot of manly side by doing boxing and so on.
                              YoSeop: DuJun wants you to agree with what he says. For example, "Hungry. Right? Right?" Before I used to answer him "Yes" but now I truthfully tell him "Isn't it only you?" (laughs).
                              JunHyung: I feel that he says 'no, it's not true' even though he thinks he's doing well off (laughs).
                              GiKwang: Even though he looks old (laughs), he plays jokes and has a lot of cute side to him.
                              DongWoon: He earns a lot. Because he makes a lot of songs, but he never bought us anything (laughs).
                              Q6. The words you heard from Japanese fans that made you happy?
                              DuJun: "Cool/Awesome". I'm happy when they compliment on our stage performances.
                              HyunSeung: When they say "you're cool/awesome" after seeming me on stage.
                              JunHyung: I feel happy when I hear "I love you", "you're cool/awesome" from the fans.
                              YoSeop: Saying "I love you" as best as they can. Also, I was really touched when a fan said "Thank you for coming to Japan" before.
                              GiKwang: The words "You have charms" and "sexy".
                              DongWoon: "I am happy because of your song" and "I had tears from your song".
                              Q7. What do you want to be like 10 years after?
                              DuJun: I'll be 35 years old so I wish I was married. I also wish I have a child too. I like a son. If a daughter is born then I would love her a lot but I think I will also be worried (laughs). I want to raise my son strongly and bravely.
                              HyunSeung: I want to grow a singer. Also I hope to be able to be on stage, singing and dancing, like Michael Jackson even in my 30s.
                              JunHyung: The king of music. I wish to become a producer and hit song maker so that many people will listen to my songs.
                              YoSeop: I want to be on stage as a vocalist and a musical actor.
                              GiKwang: I hope to be a person who will live happily by doing what I'm doing right now by enjoying it without any problems.
                              DongWoon: I don't want to choose the future and can't be chosen. I feel that if you do the best and live your current life then you will be in your 30s as you wished it to be like.

                              54楼2013-11-08 09:12