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IP属地:江西1楼2013-09-27 13:02回复

    Jinx lives to wreak havoc without a thought for consequence, leaving a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. A manic and impulsive criminal, she despises nothing more than boredom, and gleefully unleashes her own volatile brand of pandemonium to the one place she finds dullest: Piltover. With an arsenal of deadly toys, she unleashes the brightest explosions and loudest blasts - all the better to shock and surprise the hapless authorities. Always just out of the law's reach, Jinx's favorite game is to toy with Piltover's finest - especially Vi.
    Piltover had long been known as the City of Progress, a place where peace and order reigned. That serenity was challenged when a new kind of criminal arrived, the likes of whom had never been seen. This mysterious outlaw unleashed a series of warped and destructive capers that endangered the entire city, and left its people reeling from the worst crime spree in Piltover's history.
    As the string of crimes without rhyme or reason hit the city, sightings of the lawbreaker emerged. Though the young woman's origins were a mystery, some saw traces of Piltover hextech in her firearms, while others described the street fashions of Zaun in her dress. Because her arrival always brought trouble with it, those who crossed her path soon gave her a name: Jinx.
    Jinx's rampage escalated. Caitlyn - the sheriff of Piltover - responded by declaring a state of emergency and organizing a city-wide manhunt. In typical Jinx fashion, the criminal marked the Piltover treasury, the city's most secure building, with a direct challenge to its most abrasive officer. With a caricature of Vi's face splashed across the treasury's facade, and with a time and date of her supposed raid, Jinx was openly daring the enforcer to stop her from robbing it.
    Determined to put the troublemaker behind bars, Vi watched and waited outside the treasury until Jinx's time had finally come. True to her scrawled promise, the smiling menace showed her face. Knowing this was her chance to capture the outlaw, Vi gave chase into the building's interior. She smashed through wall after wall to chase down Jinx, who giggled as she lit up the evacuated treasury with fiery explosions. Vi finally cornered the criminal inside the vault, but Jinx wasn't done just yet. With a maniacal laugh, she fired a barrage of rockets, bringing the entire building down upon them both.
    When Vi finally crawled out of the ruins, the battered enforcer found no trace of Jinx. Adding insult to injury, not a single ounce of gold had been taken from the ruined vault. Instead, the criminal left a parting message to her favorite officer of the law - a challenge only now visible through the gaping opening in Piltover's skyline. The lights of the city spelled out a simple taunt: you'll never catch me. As Vi read the message, she heard the distant laughter of her new nemesis, and the city plunged into utter darkness for the very first time.

    IP属地:江西2楼2013-09-27 13:02

      IP属地:江西3楼2013-09-27 13:02
        金克斯住肆虐的后果没有想到,在她身后留下痕迹的混乱和恐慌。她鄙视狂躁和冲动犯罪,无非是无聊,她兴高采烈地释放自己的挥发性品牌乌烟瘴气的地方,她发现乏味:Piltover的。随着阿森纳的致命的玩具,她释放了明亮的爆炸声和响亮的爆炸 - 更好的震撼和惊喜倒霉的机关。始终只是出于法律的范围,不祥的最喜欢的游戏是玩具Piltover最好的 - 尤其是六。Piltover早就知道作为城市的进步,和平与秩序统治的地方。这种平静被质疑了一种新的犯罪抵达时,喜欢的人从未见过。这个神秘的取缔发动了一系列的扭曲和破坏,危及整个城市的刺山柑,并留下其从缫丝在Piltover历史上最坏的作案人。由于串犯罪无缘无故打的城市,出现了不法分子的踪迹。虽然年轻女子的起源是一个谜,有些人认为痕迹的Piltover hextech在她的枪支,而其他描述佐恩的街头时装在她的衣服。因为她的到来总是与它带来了麻烦,那些谁越过了她的去路,很快给了她一个名字:不祥。
        金克斯横冲直撞升级。 Caitlyn - Piltover警长 - 宣布进入紧急状态,并组织在全市范围内搜捕回应。刑事在典型的金克斯时尚,标志着国库Piltover,全市最安全的建筑物,直接挑战最磨料人员。一幅漫画Vi的脸泼整个国库的门面,,她应该RAID带有时间和日期,金克斯公开不敢阻止她实施者抢劫。决心把麻烦制造者身陷囹圄,VI看着外面等着国库,直到金克斯的时间终于到来。真正她潦草的承诺,微笑的威胁表现出她的脸。知道这是她的机会来捕捉取缔,VI追截到建筑的内部。她被砸穿墙,墙后追下去金克斯,咯咯地笑了,她点燃了火热的爆炸疏散国库。 VI最后走投无路的犯罪里面的跳马,但,金克斯只是还没有这样做。有了一个疯狂的笑,她发射了火箭弹幕,使整个建筑看不起他们。当Vi终于爬出废墟,受虐的实施者没有发现一丝不祥。雪上加霜的是,不是一个单一的每盎司黄金已经从被破坏的储藏库。相反,刑事留下离别的消息到她最喜欢的人员的法律 - 现在才可见通过敞开的开放在Piltover的天际线是一个挑战。城市的灯光阐述了一个简单的嘲讽:你永远不会赶上我。当VI读取消息时,她听到她的新克星遥远的笑声,城市陷入一片黑暗,这是第一次

        IP属地:江苏4楼2013-09-27 13:05

          来自手机贴吧5楼2013-09-27 13:08