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1楼2013-08-06 11:38回复
    The main reason for global warming: human activities definitely have an impact on climate change. Human burns coal [kəʊl]煤, oil, natural gas which produced a large amount of carbon dioxide and methane ['miːθeɪn]甲烷, and it warmed the earth. The cause of global warming is the increased carbon dioxide emissions [ɪ'mɪʃ(ə)n]排放into the atmosphere.
    As the‘impact of human activities, the climate in the 21st century China will continue to significantly [sɪg'nɪfɪk(ə)ntlɪ] 值得注意的warmer, which in winter warming trend in northern ['nɔːð(ə)n] China the most obvious. In‘contrast,over the past 100 years, China's temperature rise of only 0.5 ℃to 0.8 ℃.As warm and dry climate in the Sanjiang Plain[pleɪn]平原 wetland resources and biodiversity[,baɪə(ʊ)daɪ'vɜːsɪtɪ]生物多样性will decrease, an increase of endangered species ['spiːʃiːz]物种, large areas will become a meadow marsh[mɑːʃ]沼泽wetlands. Wetlands near the Yangtze River Delta, will be the threat [θret]凶兆 of rising sea levels, resulting[rɪ'zʌltɪŋ]in reduced size, lower quality, tidal['taɪd(ə)l]潮汐 inundation[,ɪnʌn'deɪʃn]洪水and beach erosion[ɪ'rəʊʒ(ə)n]侵蚀. As temperatures rise, leading to the Yellow River and inland rivers of the evaporation[ɪ,væpə'reɪʃən]蒸发may increase about 15% water shortage in northern and southern floods will increase.
    Lead to permafrost['pɜːməfrɒst]永久冻土melting temperature, also affect the safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
    Man should make every effort to do a good job should also be able to do things. To develop low-carbon economy has become the consensus[kən'sensəs]一致 of the international community.

    3楼2013-08-06 11:43

      Children and young women are being kidnapped in large numbers in China. It is impossible to know how much kidnapping is going on in China; the number of rescues is only the tip of the problem. But certainly the numbers have risen, both of children, mostly boys, and of young women, mostly for wives.

      4楼2013-08-06 15:05
        Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Yuki at I level , tutored by Lilyand here is my student No. 039104391
        Today I’d like to talk about a common phenomenon that how theelderly are treated by their children in some of the families in Chinawhen they are too old to take care of themselves. We often read news that old men abandonedby their grown-up children live on thestreets or nursinghome alone.【可以这样改么?Weoften read newsthatgrown-up children abandontheir parents that they had to live on thestreets ornursing home alone】
        Why did【does?】 some people treat their parentslike that?First, I think, some people shirk their duty offinancially supporting their old and helpless parents forthe sake oftheirown interests. Second, people always say【theyare too busy to have time to care for theelderly】. Third, some elderly people are oftenill-treated by their children and cannot lead a normal life. Last, some youngpeople aretooaddicted to their comfortable life that they forget their parents.
        Filial-piety hasbeen advocated as a traditional Chinese virtue throughout history. How can theytreat their parents so cruelly? Every stage of our growth, from birthtill now, Parents have given us encouragements and support and selfless love.Without them, wecouldn’t make it to have grown up healthily.We should dosomething to our parents inreturn that they deserved—love, care and respect. 【这样改?We should love, care and respect our parents in return.】
        Finally, I think the government ought to make a proper policyconcerning this problem and punished those people who shun the responsibilitiesfor caring for their parents and thus, cultivate theawareness of respecting and taking care of the old people.
        对图画进行补充【1、the old woman only with her cat
        2、toolonely and can only talk to herself
        3、Pickingup litter for survival

        5楼2014-01-10 03:10