Miklagard Overture 歌词翻译,和某些碎碎念 [00:38.80]Long have I drifted without a course 我已漫无目的地流浪太久 [00:43.61]A rudderless ship I have sailed 驾驶着这无舵的帆船 [00:48.57]The Nile just keeps flowing without a source 尼罗河无源成流?(不解,突然冒出个nile。。。) [00:53.09]Maybe all the seekers just failed? 或许所有的斥候均已失败? [00:58.50][02:40.15][06:14.17]To Holmgard and beyond 航向霍姆格德和更远 (Holmgard,北欧传说中的某座城) [01:04.17]In search of a bond 寻求一个结 【个人理解,bond既是“我”的心结,对应上面的漫无目的,也可指拜占庭皇帝瓦西里二世与俄罗斯大公弗拉基米尔的协议,“契约”In the summer of 987, the RussianGrand Prince (stolny Knyaz) of Kiev, Vladimir the Great (980–1015),received a request for help from the Emperor Basil II Porphyrogenitus(976–1025).】 [01:08.64]Far from home I've come 我已背井离乡 [01:12.09]But the road has just begun 而这旅程才刚刚开始 [01:18.81][03:00.47][06:34.46]Breathing history 活生生的历史 [01:23.66][03:05.08][06:39.45]Veiled in mystery 隐藏在神秘中 [01:28.63][03:10.20][06:44.26]The sublime 至高无上 [01:31.13][03:12.75][06:46.76]The greatest of our time 这时代的最伟大者 [01:34.24][03:15.88][06:49.97]Tsargrad! 【斯拉夫语中的君士坦丁堡,即City of the Caesar (Emperor)】 [01:37.05]"Come with us to the south 追随我们南下 [01:39.30]Write your name on our roll" 在这卷轴上签下你的名字 [01:44.92]I was told; 他们这样跟我说 [01:48.67][03:30.84][07:05.41]Konstantinopolis (君士坦丁堡,拉丁语) [01:53.73]Sui generis 独一无二 [01:58.80]The saints and emperors 圣徒与帝王 [02:02.61]Of bygone centuries 在时光长河中 [02:06.31]The man-made birds in their trees 树上的人造小鸟 (是什么东东,没在哪本书上见过) [02:11.18]Out load their paean rings 鸣唱如同赞美诗中的铃声 [02:14.43]Immortality! 永生不朽 [02:20.18]In astonishing colours the East meets the West 东西交汇出震撼人心的色彩 [02:25.36]The hill-banks arise in their green 翠绿的山麓拔地而起 [02:30.27]In wonder I sit on my empty chest 我坐在空箱上错愕不已(拜占庭皇帝给瓦兰吉卫队的佣金可是出奇的高) [02:34.58]As we glide down the strait in between 正当我们沿着海峡向南航行 [02:45.93][06:19.94]In a search of a bond 寻求一个结 [02:50.39]Distant church bells toll 远方教堂的钟声响起 [02:53.55]For their god they chant and troll 为他们赞美歌颂的上帝 [03:18.79]The Norwegian of rank 挪威的军人 [03:21.61]In the court of The Prince 在大公的朝廷上 [03:25.91]I was convinced 我被说服 [03:35.92]Ten gates to eternity 十座通向永恒的城门 [03:40.83]Seen all for centuries 几百年来见证了一切 [03:44.69]Your inconquerable walls 你那坚不可摧的城墙 [03:48.42]Your temples and your halls 你那神殿和圣堂 [03:52.60]See all, hear all, know it all 全视,全闻,全智 [05:54.92]My sun rose in the North and now sets in the South 我的太阳北升南落 [05:58.93]The Golden Horn lives up to its name 金角湾不负盛名 [06:04.25]From tower to tower a chain guards its mouth 穿过一座座哨塔的巨链守卫着入口(史上著名的防备啊) [06:09.41]Unbreakable, they claim 牢不可破,他们宣称 [06:24.09]Adventures lie ahead 旅途就在眼前 [06:27.70]Many knots lie unraveled on my thread 我生命中的结一个个解开 [07:10.69]Queen of the cities 众城之后 (希腊人对君士坦丁堡的尊称) [07:14.87]Your welcoming smile 你好客的笑颜 [07:17.51]Made all worthwhile 让一切都值得 [07:19.87]The sweat and the pain 辛劳与痛苦 [07:22.88]Bathing in gold 沐浴在金色中 [07:27.25]Endless rooftops unfold 无数的屋顶罗列开 [07:32.36]The sun sets for a while just to rise again 暂时落日只为了下一次日出 [07:44.37][07:49.69]Great halls 雄伟的圣堂 [07:55.13]Greatest of all, Miklagard 至高无上 Miklagard Miklagard,君士坦丁堡,wiki上的解释是:在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,mikill是'big' gard是'city',而我看过有资料则解释为,是古斯堪的纳维亚语的the‘City of Michael’大天使米迦勒之城。前面对君士坦丁堡用了斯拉夫语Tsargrad,拉丁语Konstantinopolis,希腊Queen of the cities,从地理上和心理上一步步接近君士坦丁堡,最终,瓦兰吉人终于抵达君士坦丁堡,用自己的语言喊道:Miklagard! Miklagard!! Miklagard!!!