

hello im here thanks for coming
Comentario de Daniel Gabin Richard, how did you feel playing in Buenos Aires?
16:22 Richard Gasquet: its very nice i came 6 years ago i wanted to come back , bad luck i lost first match but i ll come back for sure
Comentario de Santiago Do you believe Federer is the best tennis player ever? What did you feel when you beat him in 2005?
16:23 Richard Gasquet: for sure he is , he won everything and yes its a great memory when ill stop my carreer i could tell i won him
Comentario de Guest Who is the most easy going player in the tour? Or... if you did a party, who's the one you gotta invite?
16:24 Richard Gasquet: safin for sure
Comentario de Mariano How does a professional player really do to enjoy tennis when he plays almost every day for many years?
16:25 Richard Gasquet: its a great life , we enjoy it , its a dream to play with a lot of crowds , there are thousands of jobs who are more difficult
Comentario de Guest will you be back here next year?
16:25 Richard Gasquet: yes i think so
Comentario de idafe Hi Richard: Tell us how is you personal relation with Rafael Nadal. Thanks.
16:26 Richard Gasquet: i know him since im a child and he s a very nice guy , very polite , he s a good guy really
Comentario de Falzoun Richard... have you ever listen from the beginning to the end any of Yannick Noah's records?? honestly please ;)
16:27 Richard Gasquet: its not my favourite singer but hes very good on scene in a stadium , hes a showman but yes im surprised because hes very very famous as singer
Comentario de Wonffiss Hi men! what a pleassure to have you! i've 2 questions for you: what did you feel when you defeated squillari at 15? happiness? pressure? who teached you to hit the backhand?
16:28 Richard Gasquet: happiness for sure and pressure later because of french crowd and my father but its a natural shot
Comentario de Margareta First of all: Congatulations for having the courage to take an Argentian coach. What is new for you working with him?
16:28 Richard Gasquet: hes not the same culture than french guys but ikts very interesting , we ll see during the year
Comentario de Pablo every player has to say every day where he is, nadal does not argee with this policy. do you?
16:29 Richard Gasquet: i can understand we have to fight against doping but its very hard ,l think like nadal