JULIE PLEC: I think the takeaway, ultimately, is that Elena believes it so fundamentally that in that moment, it’s enough for Damon to let himself believe too.Yes, of course, the question is still gonna exist and always gonna exist. This isn’t necessarily the end-all, be-all now that that word ["love"] has been spoken. The doubt is still gonna be there. And it’s gonna continue to eat at Damon for the next few episodes. Elena’s gonna continue to have to fight for it in how much she believes it. But in this moment, it’s these two people who have been trying so hard to do the right thing and stay away from each other, and after two really long horrible days, they just need to touch base with each other. Just letting himself allow it to be real for one small moment is enough for Damon. And by the way, that song [Snow Patrol's "New York," playing during the phone call], that was the song that we wanted to use during the Damon-Elena kiss in episode 10 last year, and we lost it a week before we were going to air it. So I had that song in my back pocket for a year waiting for the right moment to use it again.
我的理解是在那个说爱的时刻,那个在他们决定做对的事情(和彼此分开)并且已经过了两天的令人折磨的日子之后的那个时刻,E那么的坚定的相信她是爱D并且说了那句爱之后,D也在那刻相信了,但是他潜意识里面其实还是认为E之所以会爱他是因为SIRE BOND,所以他才在10集街尾的时候突然改变方法,接受了大K的计划,加快进程,为了破除SIRE BOND对E的影响。在他那么努力去做对的事情和E分开了痛苦的两天之后,有那么一刻他心里面想放松一下,相信E的爱不是因为SIRE BOND,所以他让E坐上车去他的身边,因为那一刻他很想见E。我看贴吧里面有很多亲在争论什么S,D到底是不是真爱E这个人还是爱的只是人类E什么的。。。然后有的亲说D也照样跟S一样要找CURE。但是我看完之后的想法就是,D他至今其实根本不信E是真的爱他,他直观的认为E就是因为SIRE BOND的所以才爱他。所以他才那么焦急,那么迫切的想找到CURE,解除SIRE BOND.说真的,大D真的是个好哥哥,答应了S什么就真的做到什么,但是被虐了那么多季,难道就不能允许大D有那么一瞬间可以不要那么假装坚强下?难道就不能让他在那么想见E的一瞬间见到E?好吧。。。我说了太多有点语无伦次了。。。请见谅
JULIE PLEC: I think the takeaway, ultimately, is that Elena believes it so fundamentally that in that moment, it’s enough for Damon to let himself believe too.Yes, of course, the question is still gonna exist and always gonna exist. This isn’t necessarily the end-all, be-all now that that word ["love"] has been spoken. The doubt is still gonna be there. And it’s gonna continue to eat at Damon for the next few episodes. Elena’s gonna continue to have to fight for it in how much she believes it. But in this moment, it’s these two people who have been trying so hard to do the right thing and stay away from each other, and after two really long horrible days, they just need to touch base with each other. Just letting himself allow it to be real for one small moment is enough for Damon. And by the way, that song [Snow Patrol's "New York," playing during the phone call], that was the song that we wanted to use during the Damon-Elena kiss in episode 10 last year, and we lost it a week before we were going to air it. So I had that song in my back pocket for a year waiting for the right moment to use it again.
我的理解是在那个说爱的时刻,那个在他们决定做对的事情(和彼此分开)并且已经过了两天的令人折磨的日子之后的那个时刻,E那么的坚定的相信她是爱D并且说了那句爱之后,D也在那刻相信了,但是他潜意识里面其实还是认为E之所以会爱他是因为SIRE BOND,所以他才在10集街尾的时候突然改变方法,接受了大K的计划,加快进程,为了破除SIRE BOND对E的影响。在他那么努力去做对的事情和E分开了痛苦的两天之后,有那么一刻他心里面想放松一下,相信E的爱不是因为SIRE BOND,所以他让E坐上车去他的身边,因为那一刻他很想见E。我看贴吧里面有很多亲在争论什么S,D到底是不是真爱E这个人还是爱的只是人类E什么的。。。然后有的亲说D也照样跟S一样要找CURE。但是我看完之后的想法就是,D他至今其实根本不信E是真的爱他,他直观的认为E就是因为SIRE BOND的所以才爱他。所以他才那么焦急,那么迫切的想找到CURE,解除SIRE BOND.说真的,大D真的是个好哥哥,答应了S什么就真的做到什么,但是被虐了那么多季,难道就不能允许大D有那么一瞬间可以不要那么假装坚强下?难道就不能让他在那么想见E的一瞬间见到E?好吧。。。我说了太多有点语无伦次了。。。请见谅