Since: Oct 2012Posts: 1,053Member: #52386 Poor performance at the 4 is really hurting our offense.
Can't drive if there's no lanes,
and you won't have lanes if Morris and Patterson aren't scoring threats from the outside.
若你的大前锋( 莫、帕特在外线不是进攻威胁的话你不会在禁区 有空位。
Honestly, I think they'd be better off moving Delfino to the 4 for now, though I'm sure our glut of PF's wouldn't like it.
我觉得若把德 移 到大前锋位置(4号 )情况会较好,虽然我们那么多的大前锋不会为这想法感到高兴。
Lin and Harden need space, it's that simple. Right now it feels like they're playing 4 on 5.
林及 哈需要空间,这就是那么简单。现在感觉上他们好像4人对5人的感觉。