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1楼2012-12-23 12:09回复
    本文从作者偶尔在报纸上翻阅到的一则新闻作为切入点, 探讨了有关跌倒 的问题. 一切都会过去的,无论我们想与不想,时间永不停止.与其不住地懊悔为何跌倒,不如想着如何爬起来,继续前进.我们的确需要前进,而我们更需要的是跌倒之后先爬起来.但人们往往忽略这些,只会看你走了多远.在我们的成长过程中,我们所受到的教育都是要努力奋斗、拼命冲刺、追求成功、实现卓越.没有人告诉过我们,在我们的一生中,总要面对生命中的不如意,总有落到低谷、情绪低落的时候;没有人告诉过我们,在我们落到低谷时,要怎么样去面对痛苦、失败、挫折和跌倒;没有人告诉过我们,有时候学会跌倒,其实也是一种成功.因为跌倒了,跌倒过,我们才能懂得怎样跌倒才能不疼,才能知道跌倒以后怎样优雅地爬起来.跌倒,也要跌的有尊严. 跌倒时,人往往会丧失对自己的认同感.这种时候,他们需要的或许只是一句安慰的话语,个温暖的拥抱. 对世界多一些同情和同感, 包括多给周围一些爱和关注.我们也可以,尽己所能,使互相感到温暖.

    2楼2012-12-23 12:09

      3楼2012-12-23 12:12

        Hello everybody. Today, our topic is ‘confidence’.
        Before our talk show, I have a question for all of you. How do you define the word ‘confidence’? Could you give me an answer? Some people may be confused about what exactly confidence is. In the dictionary, confidence means ‘the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully. Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself. But in the real world, confidence sometimes means more than that.
        Let’s first take a look at some sayings about confidence. How does famous people think of confidence
        Do you know how to be self-confident? What’s your own way to be confident? Some people might think that being confidence is easy but others may not. It’s true that sometimes our gene may decide whether we are confidence or not, we can still make ourselves more confident.
        Here are some tips for you.
        Smile to everyone you meet and smile at any time .No matter what terrible things you have met, remember, smile. Never dull your shine for somebody else. Everything you’ve done is for yourself not for others. You need to take responsibility for yourself so do your best!
        ·Remember you are the best.
        There’s no huge difference among people. So if others can do things well, you can also do it. You’re not worse than others at all. And believe that if you try harder, you can even do better than others. You are the best.
        ·Be independent
        Always rely on others could be a bad habit. If you rely on others too much, you may not be able to do things without other people. And that may make you feel week and cause the lack of confidence.
        ·Praise yourself
        Don’t be mean to praise yourself. After you’ve finished something, say to yourself. ‘I’ve finished it so well’ or ‘I’m the best’. Identification is an important part of being self-confident.
        Being self- confident would be a easy thing if you can do all the things above. I hope these tips could help you be a confident person and I believe it would help you a lot.

        4楼2012-12-23 12:13

          Since I was born, I’ve been in this big big world for nearly 14 years. The world is lovely and it has taught me a lot of new things. But there’s still something unsatisfactory. As a teenager, have you ever thought that we can also do something to make a better world? If I am asked: which aspect of the world I would like to change most? My answer would be the environment.
          There’s no doubt that the environment nowadays is becoming worse. Different environmental problems are threatening our health. Air pollution, for example, is one of them. It is caused by vehicle exhaust, industrial waste gas, etc. It may cause lung diseases or respiratory ([ˈrɛspərəˌtɔri,]) diseases. There’re also pollutions like marine pollutions and plastic pollutions.
          So if we want to have a better living condition we need to start to pay attention to the environmental protection. However, as the world is now developing in an unsustainable way, our earth is becoming ‘dirty’. As a citizen of the earth, I think it’s my responsibility to take some actions to make our environment as good as before.
          I will start by changing some of my life habits. Every time when my family goes shopping, I’ll remember to take a bag with me in order not to use plastic bags. I’ll also try to choose some eco-friendly way of traveling instead of using motor vehicles. For example, riding bicycles instead of driving which can not only exercise myself but also avoid producing more pollution gas into the air. I will recycle everything I could find. After washing vegetables, the water can be used again to water plants. Empty tins or bottles can be made into creative decorations. Using both sides of every piece of paper could be a better choice, because each piece of paper is valuable. It takes a long time for trees to grow up.
          Although, I can’t do much to protect our environment, I hope to encourage everybody I know to be aware of the fact that our environment does need more protection and care. Also I will persuade my friends and my family to do the same things as I will do.
          That’s what I am going to do to change the world in a most possible way. With my efforts and persistence, I hope I can achieve my goal and I believe that one day my dream will com true.

          5楼2012-12-23 12:13

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