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来自手机贴吧1楼2012-12-20 10:07回复
    Nowadays, with the development of economy and science, people could communicate easilier than before, the world also become smaller. So the cross-culture marriage turns a new question to the younger.

    来自手机贴吧2楼2012-12-20 10:08
      Some of us would like to take a try, but others may not. Holding a traditional opinion, there must be some difficulties in a cross-culture marriage. Primarily, two different countries both have their own cultures, which always lead to misunderstanding during the normal live. For example, the western country will educate the children in an “open” way which may take them to the adult’s world early, but in China, it’s incredible.

      来自手机贴吧3楼2012-12-20 10:09
        Secondly, it can’t be ignored that our eating habits are so important. Food culture plays a big role in the culture of a country. It’s difficult to guess “What’s the weather like in your stomach today?” Even in the same country, people from different area will not choose the same thing. In a word, different countries have different tastes. What’s more, a cross-culture marriage has to face the public concern.

        来自手机贴吧4楼2012-12-20 10:12
          In fact, a lot of people still can’t accept it, especially the old. The couples in a cross-culture marriage have to endure some strange talking, and their children also have to endure some pressure. If they can’t deal with them well, they may break up in the end. Last but not the least, it takes a person a long time to join the life in a foreign country. It’s a world of totally strange even you’re the student abroad.

          来自手机贴吧5楼2012-12-20 10:13
            The cross-culture marriage draws a wall between you and your family which means “hometown problems”. So we must take serious consideration ask ourselves if we have prepare to be in a cross-culture marriage when we have the chance to marry foreigners.

            来自手机贴吧6楼2012-12-20 10:14

              来自手机贴吧7楼2012-12-20 10:18
                Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine. As the picture given above depicts, A late sick mother desperately ill son request for euthanasia. But the son was cut for this。 feeling helpless because he is at a loss what to do about it. The picture really sets me thinking. It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing .Some people think it is right.but others dont think so.now let us listen to everyone's different opinions

                来自手机贴吧8楼2012-12-20 10:19
                  安乐死是医学界最有争议的问题 之一。正如上面所示的视频所描绘的,一 位晚期 患病母亲病入膏肓,请求儿子实施 安乐死。但儿子且为此获罪,感到无能为 力, 因为他们不知道该怎么办。这幅画确 实发人深省。它暗示,人们在对待安乐死 上 看法不一致。有些人认为他是对的,但 其他的不这样认为,现在让我们听听大家 的不同观点 赞成 1

                  来自手机贴吧9楼2012-12-20 10:19
                    .If a person loses the survivability of the community has not contributed to lose the meaning of life.reduce reliance on others and a burden on society. 如果一个人失去了生存 能力,对社会没有了贡献,也就失去了生 命的意义,减少 对别人的倚赖和对社会的 负担。

                    来自手机贴吧10楼2012-12-20 10:20
                      2.the complete elimination of euthanasia patients can be painful diseases, mental stress and depression thinking exists. 安乐死可以彻底消除病人 的疾病痛苦,精神压力和思想懮愁

                      来自手机贴吧11楼2012-12-20 10:20
                        3.a person bound to die sooner or later die; One hundred dead, the living dead are free, patients and relatives reflex happy 人 总难免一死,早晚都是死;一死百了,死 人活人都解脱,患者与亲朋皆大欢

                        来自手机贴吧12楼2012-12-20 10:20
                          4.the lives of their own people, individuals have the right to end their lives, which is opposed to the human rights and personal freedom. 人的生命属于自己,个 人有权结束生命,这是个人自由和独享的 人权

                          来自手机贴吧13楼2012-12-20 10:21
                            5.we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life. 安乐死是尊重生命 的一种方式。

                            来自手机贴吧14楼2012-12-20 10:21
                              6.首先,从主观方面来讲, 安乐死对于病人自身,是一种减少生命痛 苦的方式。 人,总是趋利避害的,没有人 会说“我要去寻找痛苦,我要去远离快乐” 。当一 个人处于精神和躯体的极端痛苦之 下,当生命的存在已成为一场噩梦,我们 难道 还要 提及道德和伦理吗?生存这个基 本的“长度”都已经不能够维持,还要来 谈 及生命的宽度,还要去顾及伦理的重量 吗?

                              来自手机贴吧17楼2012-12-20 10:26