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The A'level results out last week showed that, statistically speaking, our girls have beaten our boys academically by achieving higher grades. The difference is not large, but it follows the trend of the past three decades. (根据上周考试获得A级别优秀学生的数据来看,我们的女孩已经在学业成绩上超过了男孩.虽然和过去区别不大,但是这就是过去30年至今所发生的趋势.)
Girls are edging ahead of boys in terms of their academic performance at school, and if nothing is done about this state of affairs it can only be expected that our girls will significantly outstrip our boys in the near future.(女孩们在学校中的学业表现上超过男孩,如果对这一现象置之不理,那在不久的将来我们的男孩将被女孩全面超越).
One can hardly be surprised by this given that, as Janet Daley from the Telegraph recently put it, educationalists over the past thirty years have done their best to arrange matters so that girls are supported academically while, at the same time, they have stripped away anything that assisted the achievement of boys under the claim that it was sex-discriminatory not to do so.
(但令人难以置信的是,在Janet Daley的报告中指出,教育专家在过去的30年里倾其所能的在女孩的学业上进行辅助和支持,而与此同时,他们在男孩所面临的问题上却置若罔闻,无人问津,并且申称帮助男孩就是’对女孩的’性别歧视’.

1楼2012-10-14 11:37回复
    the educational environment has been arranged to advantage girls specifically.(整个教育模式环境已经完全朝着有利于’女孩’的方向进行特别设置.)
    Thus, apart from the fact that our national exams have become much easier, the educational environment has been arranged to advantage girls specifically.(出现这种现象的原因,除了归因于’考试内容’越来越简单之外,就是整个教育模式大环境已经完全朝着有利于’女孩’的方向进行特别设置).

    2楼2012-10-14 11:38
      The assessment of many subjects is now heavily based on coursework. This requires that children put in a more consistent performance throughout their schooling. Boys, however, are simply less motivated to work hard week by week and they are simply less able to maintain the docile consistency required of them. It does not suit their nature nor society's general expectations of them.
      (‘平时作业'成为了很多学科作为‘成绩’的评估标准,并且占据了相当大’比重’.这种做法要求学生学业上能够更多的和学校进行自觉配合协调. 然而,男孩往往对这种要求桀骜不驯,在这方面他们不可能在每周都能把努力维持下去.因为这种做法不符合他们的天性,也不符合社会对他们的期望值.)

      4楼2012-10-14 11:39
        Interpretation, empathy and creative writing are now believed to have more to do with 'real' education than the development of memory, logical thinking and focused argument.(解释,沟通和想象性写作在’如今’的教育中被定义为’真正的教育’,而不是’记忆发展思维',逻辑思维以及专注主题思考.)

        5楼2012-10-14 11:39
          Interpretation, empathy and creative writing are now believed to have more to do with 'real' education than the development of memory, logical thinking and focused argument. But it is in these latter skills that boys tend to excel. The devaluation of their status within the curriculum has directly undermined the chances of boys doing well in comparison to girls. (It is a bit like saying that being good at the male sport of football does not count anymore educationally, but being good at the female sport of netball does.) Boys prefer to tackle hard facts, logic and rules, which need to be mastered, rather than to emote over what, perhaps, they would describe as wishy-washy speculative gobbledy-gook.
          (解释,沟通和想象性写作在’当前’的教育中被定义为’真正的教育’,而不是过去的’记忆发展',逻辑思维以及专注主题思考.后3者往往才是男孩所擅长的思维方式. 由于这些带有明显性别倾向的课程往往使男孩的价值得到低估,并且直接削弱了他们相较于女孩能够取得优势的机会.这就好比在说男孩能够踢好足球,在教育中不被承认,女孩能够玩好’无网篮球’才是教育所提倡和被承认的.男孩喜欢解决有难度的问题,运用所掌握的’逻辑’和’规则’来解决,而不是解决一些用’情感倾诉’的方式来解决的问题,他们把这描述为空洞无味的’官样文章’.)

          6楼2012-10-14 11:40
            The course materials that have been selected by schools are more 'female friendly' and of less interest to boys. This has had the effect of inspiring girls with a greater enthusiasm for schoolwork while at the same time putting many boys off it.

            7楼2012-10-14 11:40
              There is a horrendous lack of male teachers in the primary school sector and the lack of good educationally-oriented male role models is known to have very damaging effects on boys' attitudes toward schooling and education. Further, female teachers are often not able to gain the respect of boys who often resent the fact that they are 'moaned at' by women during the daytime when at school, and then they are moaned at again by women when they get back home. Boys also know that they are not going to grow up into women, and, in the educational arena, they feel somewhat isolated and alienated from the adult gender (men) into which they are going to develop.

              8楼2012-10-14 11:41
                Many female teachers are openly hostile toward boys. As with the rest of society they have been indoctrinated with the view that males, their values and their attitudes, are worthless. Feminist teachers, in particular, see it as their job to advantage girls over boys, educationally, and they dismiss any recommendations that might help the boys to perform better. For feminist teachers, boys are the enemy, and they need to be disempowered.

                9楼2012-10-14 11:41
                  School reports to parents of children in the state sector now say virtually nothing of interest and they do not help parents at all in assessing how well their children are doing academically. These days, school reports seem to do little but give a feeble idea of what the children 'have achieved'. Given that parents have little idea about what should be being achieved, these reports mean very little to them. Nearly all parents are told that their children are doing well, and negative statements have virtually been proscribed. Given that boys are far more in need of regular monitoring than girls in order to ensure that they are keeping up to standard - particularly given their poorer current attitudes to education, their greater propensity to be distracted and disruptive, and the fact that our educational system does so little to inspire them - the failure to provide parents with accurate school reports that show when a boy is underachieving means that by the time they realise what is going on, it is too late to do anything about it.

                  10楼2012-10-14 11:42
                    The funding for children with special needs is truly abysmal. The result has been an extremely high failure rate for thousands of boys for whom the system does not cater at all. These then seek solace, status and satisfaction in areas far removed from education. These boys often turn their energies toward activities which are hardly conducive to educational achievement, and, further, given that the most important influences on a boy's social life and aspirations are 'other boys', it is hardly surprising that any negative attitudes that they possess spread out to affect many other thousands of boys who do not have special needs. A clear example of this, observable in almost every state school, is the attitude of many boys toward boys who actually work hard. They are mocked, teased and bullied.

                    12楼2012-10-14 11:42