Artifact # 1
Reading log
When the assignment was given, I properly was doing something other than that, maybe doing my Geography paper, because we only do Geography on Wednesday and also we only return Reading log and get a new one on Wednesday too, or maybe I was reading a book titled Caged Bird on Dear time, I don’t really remember. To complete Reading Log, you should read a book first, then write a summary about it, but you have to use one of those given sentences that written on the Reading Log, like 10 sentences that begin a new paragraph, what my teacher want is that we have to read more than 7 pages everyday and at lease spend half a hour on it. And the steps are: 1.Read a book, like 7 pages. 2. Write a summary about what you read. It is not hard thought, but I still couldn’t do it, not because I am confusing, it just because I am too lazy and not doing it.
About me as a student, Reading Log shows effort, not only me, everybody should have it done by the end of Tuesday, not for fun but only for GRADE and knowledge, but you knew how many papers you actually received under frog every Wednesday, even though it is easy, real easy, but not that much of peoples do it, I am one of those. I tried to use patient to complete this assignment, in the 1st trimester, I did a really good job with that, but not now, because I really have no patient to read a book for half an hour everyday and that is part of my challenges, it is hard for me to focus, and that is my big challenges.
Reading log
When the assignment was given, I properly was doing something other than that, maybe doing my Geography paper, because we only do Geography on Wednesday and also we only return Reading log and get a new one on Wednesday too, or maybe I was reading a book titled Caged Bird on Dear time, I don’t really remember. To complete Reading Log, you should read a book first, then write a summary about it, but you have to use one of those given sentences that written on the Reading Log, like 10 sentences that begin a new paragraph, what my teacher want is that we have to read more than 7 pages everyday and at lease spend half a hour on it. And the steps are: 1.Read a book, like 7 pages. 2. Write a summary about what you read. It is not hard thought, but I still couldn’t do it, not because I am confusing, it just because I am too lazy and not doing it.
About me as a student, Reading Log shows effort, not only me, everybody should have it done by the end of Tuesday, not for fun but only for GRADE and knowledge, but you knew how many papers you actually received under frog every Wednesday, even though it is easy, real easy, but not that much of peoples do it, I am one of those. I tried to use patient to complete this assignment, in the 1st trimester, I did a really good job with that, but not now, because I really have no patient to read a book for half an hour everyday and that is part of my challenges, it is hard for me to focus, and that is my big challenges.