不是整首歌,就是歌中的哪个小节或者片段最最打动你 我每次听到听到she has no time里的这句:Lonely people tumble downwards,and my heart opens up to you 就有种心被撕裂胖子你懂我的感觉,tom对这种情绪把握的特别到位,倒底是有自身经历的带入感啊。 还有nothing in my way最后Well for a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time重复的部分,原因也说不上来,就是非常喜欢这一段儿。
"Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball Save us all, tell me life is beautiful Mirror, mirror on the wall Oh, crystal ball, hear my song I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong So put me where I belong"
You stood still about the train You knew as you watched her go That she wan never coming back And start to places that you know You said you're scared if I Ad I didn't want to go Where everyone else goes---Neon River
Lonely people tumble downwards,and my heart opens up to you when she says she has no time for you now……某一天躺在床上,夜深人静,tom唱到此句,一口气很长,百转千回,突然就听懂了歌词的含义,毫无预警地,眼泪刷的一下……
还有一个,"Time to leave this town, now your dreams have all let you down,no one here will miss you now, time to wake up and look around....Turn away and turn ahead, just a hopeless dream as she said. eyes of clould and feet of lead, find a shoe that needs you instead....find the place where you can hide, from that love that holds you inside, time is so unkind, likes an old friend leaves you behind."好吧这歌全身上下是泪点……