lime 1 / laɪm; laɪm/ n [U]
(also `quicklime) whitesubstance (calcium oxide) obtained by heating limestone,used in making cement and mortar and as a fertilizer 石灰.
lime 2 / laɪm; laɪm/
(also `lime-tree, linden) n tree with smooth heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow flowers 椴树(乔木, 叶光滑呈心形, 花黄, 有香味).
lime 3 / laɪm; laɪm/
n [C] (tree bearing) round fruit like a lemon but smaller and more acid 酸橙树, 酸橙(比柠檬小但更酸).
[U] (also lime green) yellowish-green colour of this fruit 酸橙绿色; 淡黄绿色.
# `lime-juice n [U] juice of limes used for flavouring or as a drink 酸橙汁(用作调味或饮料).