So what is SIMPLES?
Simples is a celebration of English, it aims to make English cool, relevant and fun for students of our university. We want Simples to be the magazine you read while you’re waiting for your teacher to load their PPT at the beginning of class, to flick through when you’re sitting in your dormitory and nobody on QQ wants to talk to you, or to look at when all of your RenRen friends are offline.
SIMPLES is a project aimed to help students like yourselves, so the more support you give the better. Email us your thoughts and feelings, submit your own articles, discuss with our editors, join our RenRen group(简单) or share the magazine with your friends. All of the people in the magazine including myself are volunteers; our satisfaction comes from hearing you like what we made, so make your voices heard! Contact us at, or leave us a message here!