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【译】巧言令“色” by luciusmistress,聆渫译


[Title] A Talkative Seduction 巧言令“色”
[Author] luciusmistress
[Pairing/s] LM/SS
[Rating] soft NC-17
[Summary] 卢修斯引圌诱了立场不够坚定的西弗勒斯
[Warnings] 半推半就的隐晦H
[Disclaimer] 这些男孩并不是我的,他们属于JKR和各公圌司(和彼此,至少我希望是)我并不从中获利,也没有恶意。
[A/N] 写那些用对话表现出的肉片段纯属迫不得已,我只想证明我能办到。
Aww, thank you! I don't mind at all, in fact I'm very happy that you liked it so much! There's never too much love for my boys :)
Happy translating!
Love, LM

1楼2012-05-31 01:09回复
    [Title] A Talkative Seduction
    [Author] luciuSΜistress
    [Pairing/s] LM/SS
    [Rating] soft NC-17
    [Summary] 卢修斯引圌诱了立场不够坚定的西弗勒斯
    [Warnings] 半推半就的隐晦H
    [Disclaimer] 这些男孩并不是我的,他们属于JKR和各公圌司(和彼此,至少我希望是)我并不从中获利,也没有è意。
    [A/N] 写那些用对话表现出的肉片段纯属迫不得已,我只想证明我能办到。
    Aww, thank you! I don't mind at all, in fact I'm very happy that you liked it so much! There's never too much love for my boys :)
    Happy translating!
    Love, LM

    2楼2012-05-31 01:11

      4楼2021-07-20 17:20