Question: I think the Gossip Girl fandom has exploded after watching the promo for
next week. Is there anything that you can tell us about what’s in store for us in
the finale? —Marie
Ausiello: I have three tidbits for you, all of them extremely vague:
* Someone will “see” Gossip Girl.
* The final scene of the episode will feature two characters
– one male, one female.
* The aforementioned final scene does not take place in New York.
AUSIELLO: 我有三件事可以告诉你,但三件也是含糊不清的:
*有人会”看到”GOSSIP GIRL。
next week. Is there anything that you can tell us about what’s in store for us in
the finale? —Marie
Ausiello: I have three tidbits for you, all of them extremely vague:
* Someone will “see” Gossip Girl.
* The final scene of the episode will feature two characters
– one male, one female.
* The aforementioned final scene does not take place in New York.
AUSIELLO: 我有三件事可以告诉你,但三件也是含糊不清的:
*有人会”看到”GOSSIP GIRL。