I know you're a destroyer without a gun
音もなくthe fight has begun
いつの间にすべてturnabout to dark side of the world
空腹を満たす poison dropそう见失うほどに何度も
sukiharawomitasu poison drop soumiusinauhodoninanndomo
填满空心poison drop那样的失去好多次
缲り返されてゆくscenario it drives me up the wall
coming up coming up 目を覚ますまで
coming up coming up mewomezamasumade
coming up coming up 取り戻すまで
coming uo coming up torimodosumade
coming up coming up 信じ合えるまで
coming up coming up sinjiaerumade
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? 欺く前にcan you say no?
sonokaradaniha azamukumaeni
那个身体 Is there the soul?直到欺骗之前can you say no?
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself?
没有虚伪Do you have faith in yourself?
oh gameには终止符を 真実には勇気を
oh game nihasyusifuwo sinjitunihayuukiwo
oh game的终止符是给予真实的勇气
so never give it up baby join the force
もしどんなに强く爱しても 谁にもmoney can't buy you love
mosidonnnanituyokuaisitemo darenimo money can't buy you love
即使再真实的爱也不能 谁也不能money can't buy you love
支配できないからこそ the precious only on
正因为不能支配the precious only on
运命とはgo round and round 繋がってるlife inside the earth
un mei to ha go round and round tu na ga tte ru life inside the earth
所谓命运go round and round相连着life inside the earth
欲望に歯を研いだ楽园you can never come back again
coming up coming up 伝え届くまで
tu ta e to do ku ma de
coming up coming up 手にふれるまで
te ni a fu re ru ma de
coming up coming up 抱きしめるまで
da ki si me ru ma de
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? (baby alright) 欺く前にcan you say no? (no…)
那个身体 Is there the soul? (baby alright)直到欺骗之前can you say no? (no…)
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself? 没有虚伪Do you have faith in yourself?
oh 创造には正义を (oh oh yeah)この永远に光を (ah)
oh so u zo u ni ha se i gi wo (ohohyeah) konoeiennihikariwo
oh创造正义(oh oh yeah)这永远的光(ah)
so never give it up baby join the force (baby oh yeah)
守るべきこと 夸るべきこと贯(つらぬ)いてくこと never too late
ma mo ru be kikoto hokorubekikoto turanuitekukoto
该守护的 该骄傲的 该完成的 never too late
远い明日でも 不安に揺れても 爱する人よ believe always
to o i asitademo fuannniyuretemo aisuruhitoyo
即使遥远的明天 即使因为不安而动摇只要有爱believe always
coming up coming up 目を覚ますまで
coming up coming up 取り戻すまで
coming up coming up 信じ合えるまで
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? (Is there the soul?)欺く前にcan you say no? (no no)
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself?
oh gameには终止符を (oh yeah) 真実には勇気を (baby alright)
so never give it up baby join the force
音もなくthe fight has begun
いつの间にすべてturnabout to dark side of the world
空腹を満たす poison dropそう见失うほどに何度も
sukiharawomitasu poison drop soumiusinauhodoninanndomo
填满空心poison drop那样的失去好多次
缲り返されてゆくscenario it drives me up the wall
coming up coming up 目を覚ますまで
coming up coming up mewomezamasumade
coming up coming up 取り戻すまで
coming uo coming up torimodosumade
coming up coming up 信じ合えるまで
coming up coming up sinjiaerumade
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? 欺く前にcan you say no?
sonokaradaniha azamukumaeni
那个身体 Is there the soul?直到欺骗之前can you say no?
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself?
没有虚伪Do you have faith in yourself?
oh gameには终止符を 真実には勇気を
oh game nihasyusifuwo sinjitunihayuukiwo
oh game的终止符是给予真实的勇气
so never give it up baby join the force
もしどんなに强く爱しても 谁にもmoney can't buy you love
mosidonnnanituyokuaisitemo darenimo money can't buy you love
即使再真实的爱也不能 谁也不能money can't buy you love
支配できないからこそ the precious only on
正因为不能支配the precious only on
运命とはgo round and round 繋がってるlife inside the earth
un mei to ha go round and round tu na ga tte ru life inside the earth
所谓命运go round and round相连着life inside the earth
欲望に歯を研いだ楽园you can never come back again
coming up coming up 伝え届くまで
tu ta e to do ku ma de
coming up coming up 手にふれるまで
te ni a fu re ru ma de
coming up coming up 抱きしめるまで
da ki si me ru ma de
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? (baby alright) 欺く前にcan you say no? (no…)
那个身体 Is there the soul? (baby alright)直到欺骗之前can you say no? (no…)
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself? 没有虚伪Do you have faith in yourself?
oh 创造には正义を (oh oh yeah)この永远に光を (ah)
oh so u zo u ni ha se i gi wo (ohohyeah) konoeiennihikariwo
oh创造正义(oh oh yeah)这永远的光(ah)
so never give it up baby join the force (baby oh yeah)
守るべきこと 夸るべきこと贯(つらぬ)いてくこと never too late
ma mo ru be kikoto hokorubekikoto turanuitekukoto
该守护的 该骄傲的 该完成的 never too late
远い明日でも 不安に揺れても 爱する人よ believe always
to o i asitademo fuannniyuretemo aisuruhitoyo
即使遥远的明天 即使因为不安而动摇只要有爱believe always
coming up coming up 目を覚ますまで
coming up coming up 取り戻すまで
coming up coming up 信じ合えるまで
coming up coming up we're calling you say oh
その身体にはIs there the soul? (Is there the soul?)欺く前にcan you say no? (no no)
伪らずにDo you have faith in yourself?
oh gameには终止符を (oh yeah) 真実には勇気を (baby alright)
so never give it up baby join the force