Children around the world are all crazy about Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliff,the actor,who plays Harry Potter in the movies.
He has brown hair and his big blue eyes tell us he is smart.Daniel was 12 years old when he first played in Harry Potter,He did so well that everyone said he was born to play the role of Harry Potter.
Daniel was born on July 23rd,1989 in London,England.He is his parents’ only child.He wanted to be an actor since he was 5 years old,but his parents did not like the idea.However,he proved to his parents that he could be a good actor.His favorite actress is Julia Roberts.
Daniel is very active and energetic.Like most other teenagers,he likes running and enjoys football and other sports,He likes science best at school,and his favorite color is green.He likes drinking Coke and hot chocolate.
He was awarded the Harry Potter role over the 16,000 boys who tried out for it.