Trip to Mainland
Trip to Mainland
25 NOV 11
Date of departure from Shenzhen (由深圳出发)
Departure time(离境时间): 7:35am
Flight number (航班编号): ZH 9885
Estimated arrival time at the -太原 airport (太原机场): 10:25am
26 NOV 11
Date of departure from 太原 (由太原出发)
Departure time(离境时间): 11:20am
Flight number (航班编号): MU 5293
Estimated arrival time at the Beijing airport (北京机场): 12:25am
Date of return
27 NOV 11
Date of departure from Beijing (由北京出发)
Departure time(离境时间): 1:30pm
Flight number (航班编号): KA 991
Estimated arrival time at the Hong Kong airport (香港机场): 5:10pm