要塞3吧 关注:1,376贴子:12,171

要塞3 3号+4号升级补丁 修正居民食品消耗 增加难度可选项(reloaded)



IP属地:天津1楼2011-11-21 07:49回复


    IP属地:天津7楼2011-11-21 08:00
      升级后版本 1.4.24706
      115网盘 http://115.com/file/bhyeza85# 解压覆盖到游戏根目录即可
      下载的请都顶一下 别让后来者看不到
      ps:1.不要用汉化补丁或许有冲突 请保持完整英文版
      2.一直说firefly是小工作室和大公司没法比 其中也包含游戏环境测试这一环节 没有更多人力资源来测试五花八门的计算机终端 不可能像大公司面面俱到 对于菜鸟级用户也能傻瓜式解决 很多初级问题都不会遇到
      firefly或许在一个完整干净的环境中测试了游戏无大碍 但是到了客户终端 或许有 卡 跳 甚至连游戏都进不去的也有 这些只能个别解决 怪不得游戏
      3.当某些人仍用过分的激烈言辞发表檄文声讨之时 殊不知正版用户其实早已解决这些问题了 所以 请保持安静 耐心等待

      IP属地:天津8楼2011-11-21 09:59
        附上 1.4.24706 patch note
        Stronghold 3 v1.4.24706
        3 difficulty levels have been added. Easy, Normal and Hard. Some of the changes affect food consumption rates, along with troop numbers depending on the campaign you are playing.
        New Multi-player mode King of the Hill added.
        Several Exit game crashes fixed. This may still occur very occasionally.
        Animals will no longer count as enemies and therefore no longer block building placement.
        Added the ability to make buildings rotate by 45 degrees. Hold down CTRL when a building is selected and scroll the mouse wheel.
        Sound system cache uses far less memory, which therefore means Stronghold 3 uses less overall.
        Path finding on top of repaired walls should now function correctly.
        Damaged walls repair correctly after loading a save.
        Scroll wheel should now reveal all screen resolutions in the graphics options rather than having to pull slider down.
        Several Crashes resolved.
        Various small bug fixes.

        IP属地:天津9楼2011-11-21 10:07
          读存档崩溃的 看这条!!!
          Please be aware save games made before patch that contain fire will crash when loaded.

          IP属地:天津10楼2011-11-21 10:08

            IP属地:上海11楼2011-11-21 11:30

              IP属地:北京12楼2011-11-21 23:05
                而且patch note里没提过什么修正食物消耗啊?

                IP属地:北京13楼2011-11-21 23:06

                  IP属地:美国14楼2011-11-22 18:12

                    IP属地:美国15楼2011-11-22 18:13
                      对应3号升级补丁的 修正内容
                      - Added a possible fix for the ‘failed to initialise’ bug.
                      - Fixed issue with units starting in a T-Pose when a map loads.
                      - Fixed issues with troops walking through walls.
                      - Fixed issue with man-at-arms being able to throw their spear through walls when directly ordered to attack someone behind the wall.
                      - Fixed issue with ranged units twitching while attempting to target a unit that is out of line of sight.
                      - Fixed issue with ranged units trying to melee targets that are initially out of line of sight instead of shooting them.
                      - Fixed issue with ranged units not attacking enemies in range after losing their target due to him walking out of range.
                      - Fixed various issues with walls (placing towers at tight angles).
                      - Added "snap" wall placement. Hold down CTRL when adding a new section to an existing wall to either extend the wall straight or perpendicular to the existing wall.
                      - Fixed issue with not being able to turn off all Chandler Workshops.
                      - Fixed issue with engineers starting in a T-Pose when their equipment is first placed.
                      - Fixed issue with peasant models sometimes appearing on top of iron/stone/farms and sometimes being attached to all of your troops.
                      - Fixed issue that would cause trebuchets to break if interrupted while they pack/unpack.
                      - Fixed issue with team colors where some appeared to be on the neutral team (white) after load.
                      - Fixed issue with shadows showing open buildings rather than solid closed buildings.
                      - Villagers will now visit the Inn from time to time.
                      - Camera should no longer go below sea level.
                      - The trebuchet has been re-added to A Glimmer of Hope (Military Campaign: Mission 11). Save games made before the patch will not feature the trebuchet.
                      - Fixed Map Editor crash on exit.
                      - Fixed issue with waterfalls duplicating themselves in the map editor after saving and reloading. Any user created maps with waterfalls will need to be re-saved in the map editor.
                      - Fixed the hotkey shortcuts to select the player’s Lord (L) and to cycle the camera to enemy lords (SHIFT + L) to accurately find units belonging to the correct players. (Also applies to other camera/selection hotkeys).
                      - Fixed Russian, Polish, and Czech text being cut off on some buttons.
                      - The Windows setting for left-handed mice (left & right mouse buttons swapped) is now used in-game.
                      最后一句话 对应读档崩溃的
                      Please be aware save games made before patch 1.3.24532 that contain fire will crash when loaded.

                      IP属地:天津16楼2011-11-22 22:57

                        IP属地:北京17楼2011-11-22 23:08
                          写得很清楚 自己查 Some of the changes affect food consumption rates

                          IP属地:天津18楼2011-11-22 23:13

                            IP属地:上海19楼2011-11-23 09:09