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IP属地:北京1楼2011-10-23 22:34回复

    IP属地:重庆2楼2011-10-23 23:26

      来自手机贴吧4楼2011-10-24 09:47

        IP属地:北京5楼2011-10-24 10:14

          The final fantasy series 《Final Fantasy》 (called FF) is a series of games designed by the Japanese company Square. The main style of the games is RPG (role playing games) . It has become one of the most famous RPG games in the world since 1987.The FF, from I to XIII, has a great history of 20 years and now, the 《ff XIII versus》 is going to be coming into the market in several months.

          IP属地:北京6楼2011-10-24 10:16

            Each ff has an absolutely different story and doesn’t have any association .
            But they also have some common points of style and worldview such as the traditional style of painting and the setting of the summon beast etc. The story of ff7 is my favorite.

            IP属地:北京7楼2011-10-24 10:17

              The background of ff7
              Since 1990s,Games have been developing in a fast speed in Japan because of the calling of the development of the Japanese games. FC is a game console designed by Nintendo(任天堂) and it has dominated the Japanese game consoles for a long time. The ff6 has made all use of the faculty of the FC.
              In this case, Sony company designed a new game console named PS and cooperated with Square to design the ff7.
              Square decided to produce a great game in PS and with the efforts of one year ,they completed the ff7 in 1996.
              From the gamers’ point of view in that period, the game was remarkable because it was the first 3D game and when the opening CG started, gamers was shocked by the sequence of wonderful and splendid images. The story was equally excellent. Everyone who had ever played the game would never forget the exciting BGM (background music) of the final battle of Boss named “one-winged angel”
              Finally,ff7 and PS obtained the unprecedented success. The PS became the overlord of the game console and till now, the PS series have reached the PS3 and PSV

              IP属地:北京8楼2011-10-24 10:19

                ff7 series
                ff7 is the most famous game among the ff series. There are also some sequels to replenish the story.
                the main sequel includes the original edition:
                ——ff7 (ps 97)
                ——ff7 advent children (CGmovie 02)
                ——ff7 dirge of cerberus (ps2 05)
                ——ff7 crisis core (psp 07)
                these sequels construct the worldview of ff7

                IP属地:北京9楼2011-10-24 10:20

                  The background of FF7 story
                  Several years ago, a company called “Shinro” discovered an unknown creature and named it “Jenova” .Shinro had just become a huge universal company because of the finding of a new energy called “mohon”(魔晄).But they never told people the mohon was the life stream, a kind of blood of the planet.And the mohon at once being used,they would never be the part of the planet any more.Finally,the planet would be no more.Shinro had the right to orgnize troops.The most powerful troop in Shinro is the Soldiers(特种兵).

                  IP属地:北京10楼2011-10-24 10:24
                    The Soldiers comprised the elites of the formal troops.They had been immersed in the mohon to strengthen their ability. The soldier had 3 classes:1th class, 2nd class, 3rd class.The 1th class soldiers was the elites of the elites.The science apartment of Shinro injected the Jenova cells to Soldiers for experiments. Every experiment failed but one alived.his name is Sephiorth.

                    IP属地:北京17楼2011-10-24 10:35

                      He became a hero

                      IP属地:北京18楼2011-10-24 10:38

                        in Wutai insurrection .But he never knew that he was made by such a evil experiment.

                        IP属地:北京19楼2011-10-24 10:39

                          After knowing his story about it, Sephiorth got mad. And under his wrath ,a village was ruined instantly.
                          A young boy named “Cloud” suffered this incident and his parents was dead. With great anger, he fought against Sephiorth with one first class soldier named “ zack” . They defeated Sepiorth but were seriously injuried. Sephiorth dropped into the cliff ,while Cloud and Zack was in a coma. Afterwards, the chief scientist of Shinro Jenova project named “hojo” found them,injecting them Jenova's cells and placed them into mohon for 4 years.
                          After 4 years, Zack awaked and ran out of the experiment with Cloud. Cloud wasn’t a soldier so he was still in a coma. Shinro wanted to kill them in order to hide the secret. Zack fought against a lot of troops and died in order to protect Cloud. Finally, Cloud survived.

                          IP属地:北京20楼2011-10-24 10:40

                            When Cloud arrived midgar,a mohon capital, he was shocked by learning that Sephiorth had gotten back. He followed Sepiorth's trail and wanted to defeat him before he threatened the world. But unfortunately, he failed. Sephiorth got the ultimate black material and chanted the ultimate black magic “meteor” to summon a huge meteor, destorying the world. Finally,Cloud and his partners faced up to the Sephiorth-Jenova combination and defeated it. When the meteor arrived at the planet,the ultimate white magic “holy” started, saving the world from being destroyed.

                            IP属地:北京21楼2011-10-24 10:42

                              The girl, growing up with Cloud in same village, had a great gift in boxing. She was chosen by a great boxer named “Zangan” and studyed the Zangan-box. Her father was dead in the Nibourham incident. She put all the blame on Shinro. So 4 years later, she joined an anti-shinro organization called “Avalanche(雪崩) ”. Afterwards, the members of Avalanche became Cloud’s partners and defeated Sephiorth together.

                              IP属地:北京23楼2011-10-24 10:44