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IP属地:上海1楼2011-09-28 20:16回复

    (文/Janet D. Stemwedel)

    IP属地:上海2楼2011-09-28 20:18
      It’s worth noting that “peer review” can encompass
      different things.
      Peer review describes the formal process through which manuscripts that have
      been submitted to journal editors are then sent to reviewers with relevant
      expertise for their evaluation. These reviewers then reply to the journal
      editors with their evaluation of the manuscript — whether it should be accepted,
      resubmitted after revision, or rejected — and their comments on particular
      aspects of the manuscript (this conclusion would be more solid if it were
      supported by this kind of analysis of the data, that data looks more equivocal
      than the authors seem to think it is, this part of the materials and methods is
      confusingly written, the introduction could be much more concise, etc., etc.).
      The editor passes on the feedback to the author, the author responds to that
      feedback (either by making changes in the manuscript or by presenting the editor
      with a persuasive argument that what a reviewer is asking for is off base or
      unreasonable), and eventually the parties end up with a version of the paper
      deemed good enough for publication (or the author gives up, or tries to get a
      more favorable hearing from another journal).
      This flavor of peer review is very much focused on
      making sure that papers published in scientific journals meet a certain standard
      of quality or acceptability to the other scientists who will be reading those
      papers. There’s a lot of room for disagreement about what sort of quality is
      produced here, about how conservative reviewers can be when faced with new ideas
      or approaches, about how often reviewer judgments can be overturned by the
      judgment of editors (and whether that is on balance a good thing or a bad
      thing). As
      we’ve discussed before, the quality control here does not typically include
      reviewers actually trying to replicate the experiments described in the
      manuscripts they are reviewing.
      Still, there’s something about peer review that a great many scientists think
      is important, at least when they want to be able to consult the literature in
      their discipline. If you want to see how your results fit with the results that
      others are reporting in similar lines of research, or if you’re looking for
      promising instrumental or theoretical approaches to a tenacious scientific
      puzzle, it’s good to have some reason to trust what’s reported
      in the literature. Otherwise, you have to do all the verification yourself.
      And this is where a sort of peer review becomes important to the essence of
      The scientist, looking at the world and trying to figure out some bit of it,
      is engaged in theorizing and observing, in developing hunches and then testing
      those hunches. The scientist wants to end up with a clearer understanding of how
      that bit of the world is behaving, and of what could explain that behavior.
      And ultimately, the scientist relies on others to get that clearer
      To really trust our observations, they need to be observations
      that others could make as well. To really buy our own explanations for what we
      observe, we need to be ready to put those explanations out for the inspection of
      others who might find some flaw in them, some untested assumption that doesn’t
      hold up to close scrutiny.
      Science may be characterized by an attitude toward the world, an attitude
      that gets us asking particular kinds of questions, but the systematic approach
      to answering these questions requires the participation of other people working
      with the same basic assumptions about how we can engage with the world to
      understand it better. Those other people are peers, and their participation is a
      kind of review.

      IP属地:上海4楼2011-09-28 20:18

        5楼2011-09-28 22:34

          IP属地:广东6楼2011-09-28 22:54