
It’s the dishy Dai Yang Tian again this time, who was back in our studio for a modern-retro-themed fashion shoot for our style section.

For Halloween this year, DYT’s going trick-o’-treating as a Star Trek character.

DYT hates his unmanageable hair — he thinks it’s too curly and difficult to style. We think it’s just right.

Look out for our Dai Yang Tian fashion spread coming soon in the Oct 8 issue of TODAY.

It’s the dishy Dai Yang Tian again this time, who was back in our studio for a modern-retro-themed fashion shoot for our style section.

For Halloween this year, DYT’s going trick-o’-treating as a Star Trek character.

DYT hates his unmanageable hair — he thinks it’s too curly and difficult to style. We think it’s just right.

Look out for our Dai Yang Tian fashion spread coming soon in the Oct 8 issue of TODAY.