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1. 2009年2月第45届百赏颁奖典礼台上两人的窃窃私语,以及台下的亲密交谈中尹恩惠不自在地经常弄头发
KJH and YEH were whispering to each other on stage at the 45th Baeksang Awards in Feb 2009. YEH unconsciously fiddled with her hair while chatting intimately with KJH offstage.
2. 百赏颁奖礼别的艺人获奖的时候两人聊天直到听到掌声才恍然抬头鼓掌
KJH and YEH were so deep into their conversation that they only started clapping when they suddenly realized the burst of applause to the other awardees.
3. 百赏颁奖典礼后,姜至奂先走,花束忘记带走留在了现场,尹恩惠友好的把花束交给了姜的经纪人
KJH left his bouquet at the end of Baeksang and YEH helped passed it to KJH’s manager.
4. 2009年4月《七级公务员》VIP首映,姜至奂邀请尹恩惠出席电影首映礼
KJH invited YEH to his movie “My Girlfriend is an Agent” VIP premiere in Apr 2009.
5. 姜至奂圈中好友李善均因为《咖啡王子一号店》与尹恩惠熟络成为好朋友,2009年5月,两人均出席李善均的婚礼
KJH and YEH both attended Lee Sun Kyun’s wedding in May 2009. LSK is KJH’s good friend in the industry, who also become YEH’s close friend after “The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince”.
6. 姜至奂拍完《火花游戏》称尹尚贤是好朋友,尹恩惠推荐尹尚贤主演《拜托小姐》
After shooting “Fireworks”, KJH claimed Yoon Sang Hyun to be his good friend. YEH recommended YSH to be male lead in “My Fair Lady”.
7. 2011生3月《来玩吧》给未来丈夫的影相信件中,尹恩惠说到 “你现在没有工作也没有关系” ,而姜至奂因为被封杀当时正处於没工作状态
In a recorded letter to her future husband in the show “Come to Play” aired in March 2011, YEH said “Its okay if you don’t have a job at the moment”. KJH was jobless at that time due to his dispute with management company.
8. LTM第一集酒吧门口花絮尹恩惠坐在地上的时候打了一下姜至奂的胳膊,姜至奂心领意会并体贴伸手给尹恩惠捏脖子
In Lie to Me Ep 1 BTS, YEH sat on the floor in front of the bar and patted KJH’s shoulder, KJH knowingly massaged YEH’s neck.
9. LTM第一集酒吧门口花絮中,尹恩惠反覆演出醉酒倒地,姜至奂每次都贴心拉起尹恩惠
In LTM Ep 1 BTS, YEH did several takes for the scene where she fell on the ground in front of the bar and KJH was seen caringly lifting YEH up after every take.
10. LTM第一集拍摄尹恩惠番茄汁倒地的时候,姜至奂主动帮尹恩惠准备了靠垫还亲自示范
KJH volunteered to lay cushions and demonstrate for YEH to film the scene in LTM Ep 1 where she fell on the ground splashing tomato juice.
1. 2009年2月第45届百赏颁奖典礼台上两人的窃窃私语,以及台下的亲密交谈中尹恩惠不自在地经常弄头发
KJH and YEH were whispering to each other on stage at the 45th Baeksang Awards in Feb 2009. YEH unconsciously fiddled with her hair while chatting intimately with KJH offstage.
2. 百赏颁奖礼别的艺人获奖的时候两人聊天直到听到掌声才恍然抬头鼓掌
KJH and YEH were so deep into their conversation that they only started clapping when they suddenly realized the burst of applause to the other awardees.
3. 百赏颁奖典礼后,姜至奂先走,花束忘记带走留在了现场,尹恩惠友好的把花束交给了姜的经纪人
KJH left his bouquet at the end of Baeksang and YEH helped passed it to KJH’s manager.
4. 2009年4月《七级公务员》VIP首映,姜至奂邀请尹恩惠出席电影首映礼
KJH invited YEH to his movie “My Girlfriend is an Agent” VIP premiere in Apr 2009.
5. 姜至奂圈中好友李善均因为《咖啡王子一号店》与尹恩惠熟络成为好朋友,2009年5月,两人均出席李善均的婚礼
KJH and YEH both attended Lee Sun Kyun’s wedding in May 2009. LSK is KJH’s good friend in the industry, who also become YEH’s close friend after “The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince”.
6. 姜至奂拍完《火花游戏》称尹尚贤是好朋友,尹恩惠推荐尹尚贤主演《拜托小姐》
After shooting “Fireworks”, KJH claimed Yoon Sang Hyun to be his good friend. YEH recommended YSH to be male lead in “My Fair Lady”.
7. 2011生3月《来玩吧》给未来丈夫的影相信件中,尹恩惠说到 “你现在没有工作也没有关系” ,而姜至奂因为被封杀当时正处於没工作状态
In a recorded letter to her future husband in the show “Come to Play” aired in March 2011, YEH said “Its okay if you don’t have a job at the moment”. KJH was jobless at that time due to his dispute with management company.
8. LTM第一集酒吧门口花絮尹恩惠坐在地上的时候打了一下姜至奂的胳膊,姜至奂心领意会并体贴伸手给尹恩惠捏脖子
In Lie to Me Ep 1 BTS, YEH sat on the floor in front of the bar and patted KJH’s shoulder, KJH knowingly massaged YEH’s neck.
9. LTM第一集酒吧门口花絮中,尹恩惠反覆演出醉酒倒地,姜至奂每次都贴心拉起尹恩惠
In LTM Ep 1 BTS, YEH did several takes for the scene where she fell on the ground in front of the bar and KJH was seen caringly lifting YEH up after every take.
10. LTM第一集拍摄尹恩惠番茄汁倒地的时候,姜至奂主动帮尹恩惠准备了靠垫还亲自示范
KJH volunteered to lay cushions and demonstrate for YEH to film the scene in LTM Ep 1 where she fell on the ground splashing tomato juice.