我点别人分享的ytb地址 总是点不进去
点开后 是这个http://www.ytb.com/Page.aspx?b=YTBBiz_InvalidReferral&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
Welcome to YTB!
To use our service, you must visit one of our Representative's pages.
Simply enter the web address of the person who referred you to YTB to start taking advantage of our incredible selection of products and services.
http://www.ytb.com/( )Continue
额 怎么回事 是说我要个人推荐么 我试过复制他人频道主页地址进去 还是不行
点开后 是这个http://www.ytb.com/Page.aspx?b=YTBBiz_InvalidReferral&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
Welcome to YTB!
To use our service, you must visit one of our Representative's pages.
Simply enter the web address of the person who referred you to YTB to start taking advantage of our incredible selection of products and services.
http://www.ytb.com/( )Continue
额 怎么回事 是说我要个人推荐么 我试过复制他人频道主页地址进去 还是不行