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I should have all the powers to do what I choose with the money since it is in my name, the reason why this is no longer possible is that I am bed ridden because of my illness, I need assistance to perform all regular functions, hence I contacted you, and from your email, I am sure you can help me channel the funds to the rightful places where it can affect humanity, from your email, it shows that you have a plan of helping the less privileged once who are in need, please help me.
Prior to now I gave my extended family members access to some of my funds available here, to help distribute it to charity, bearing in mind that I do not have any child of mine, my family believed or made belief out of greed, that I had mental illness to think of such an act of charity, and refused to do as I told them, they shared the money among themselves.
After doing some late night thinking and self analysis of my limitations and my so called family member around waiting that I pass away, I decided to contact you, to act as beneficiary to the deposit so that the funds would be distributed by you. I am of sound mind, contrary to what my family thinks or makes belief out of greed. See, I spent all my life accumulating wealth, now, giving a second chance I will not follow that path, all the money I made can not bring back my failing health.
My doctor says I have very little time to live here on earth, but I would die happy knowing that my last days were used purely for good.
I am not trying to buy my way into heaven by this act, no far be it from that, I believe in God so I am not afraid of death, my decision is based on administration and the productive power of my family members towards me and my decision, I positively know they would misuse or rather enjoy this money if they ever hear of it.
I am in pain daily and know that life is short for me, but, I prefer to trust you to help carry out my will in regards to using the funds positively.
Nevertheless, some issues are raised, if you do decide to assist me in my quest, which when answered will put my mind at rest, hence, I would like responses to the questions below.
(1) Can you control this transaction, the magnitude of the money involved? do you understand the responsibility involved in this transaction, do you have the time required?
(2) How do you guarantee that all the individual and organization I decide to help will get their fair share at the end of the transaction?
(3) Do you have 100% control over the account that you will provide, for the remittance of the money, will the account hold the volume of money, coming in?
(4) Can you pull all the money out on conclusion, if yes, how much time, will you need to distribute it?
(5) If we decide to invest part of the funds, so that part of the profit is donated to charity on a yearly basis, what possible investment venture will you employ it into?
(6) If I decide to invest part of the money, under you, as front, in any investment venture, what percentage of the profit will you collect for that service? Bear in mind that the capital remains in Trust.
(7) What business are you involved in presently?

1楼2011-08-09 18:41回复