2011-02-28 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2010-11 Benzene -
2011-01-30 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2010-11 Circuit Breakers -
2011-01-13 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2010 PDPOP *** Circuit Breakers [VOD]
2011-01-06 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2010 PDPOP *** Benzene [VOD]
2009-12-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2009-10 Match Point [VOD]
2009-08-30 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) WCG 2009 Korea Outsider [VOD]
2009-08-30 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) WCG 2009 Korea Heartbreak Ridge [VOD]
2009-06-10 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2008-09 Shades of Twilight [VOD]
2009-02-04 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) 2008 Batoo OSL Medusa [VOD]
2008-12-20 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2008-09 Requiem [VOD]
2008-10-10 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2008 Incruit OSL Chupung Ryeong [VOD]
2008-10-10 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) 2008 Incruit OSL Medusa [VOD]
2008-10-03 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2008 Incruit OSL Return of the King [VOD]
2008-08-12 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) STX Masters Cup 2008 Colosseum [VOD]
2008-06-24 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2008 Katrina [VOD]
2007-12-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2007 Ever OSL Blue Storm [VOD]
2007-12-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2007 Ever OSL Monghwan [VOD]
2007-12-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2007 Ever OSL Persona [VOD]
2007-07-14 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) 2007 GomTV *** Season II Loki [VOD]
2007-07-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2007 GomTV *** Season II Monty Hall [VOD]
2007-07-14 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) 2007 GomTV *** Season II Python [VOD]
2007-07-14 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) 2007 GomTV *** Season II Desperado [VOD]
2007-07-14 Bisu(P) win Stork(P) 2007 GomTV *** Season II Loki [VOD]
2007-05-21 Bisu(P) lose Stork(P) ShinHan ProLeague 2007 1R Sin Peaks of Baekdu
以上为Bisu职业生涯对阵stork的比赛 不算IEF的比赛成绩为10胜14负,其中自2009-12-14 以来在KESPA认证的比赛当中已经在对阵stork的比赛当中5连败。(表示非常不能忍)