题目:CutAndTell With Martin Rolinski
This is the translation to English of the CutandTell video, when Martin goes for a styling by Jean-Pierre Barda and a photo shot by Bingo Rimér.
The link to the video:
ENJOY ! (B=Bingo,M=Martin,J-P=Jean-Pierre)
In this program have I, Jean- Pierre Barda and my lovely sidekick Bingo Rimér opened up the doors to our studio, where we give Swedish celebrities a new look.
But also a chit chat moment they will never forget. In tonight's program comes Martin Rolinski from BWO. Now he is actual with his first solo album and also newly become smallkids parent.
Which starts off with a easy chat, Bingo Rimér soon get off track with, as usual.
M:-It's so damn fun that Bingo comes here and give a good inspiration.
J-P:- Isn't it ?
M:- I notice that we sit here having a deep conversation about being honest to yourself and all of a sudden Bingo comes in and talks about neighboursex and that I should look like Gustaf Vasa.
Bingo:- Go ahead.
M:-Thank you.
Bingo:- Now we are only going to make a pre-photo. And for us it's good if this pre-photo is really ugly.
Bingo:- Martin is incredibly handsome,incredibly bright, incredibly nice and incredibly talented. He is an ubermensch.
J-P:- Please tell me if I should jump in somewhere ?
M: -What did you say ? Masturbate ?
M:- I'm not vain directly. It is more like that you wear the scenery clothes and your private clothes. I have not really taken the step that the scenery clothes should be worn like private clothes. But I think it's important what you wear reflects you as person. And that you are pleased and feel relaxed with it.
Bingo:- Damn, it's impossible. You look so handsome Martin.
J-P:So Martin go ahead.
M:- Thank you.
J-P:- Come in and welcome in our little....
M:- How nice you have made it here.
J-P:-..you can call it a Bodoire ?
M:- Yes a Bodoire. I hope you always have the photo there. Also in your home.
J-P:- I have that one and some others at my on my bedside table.
M:- Is it shine, Martin shine ?
J-P:- Oh God yes.
M: Maybe I should be a bit worried as J-P and I know each other. Maybe he wants to fool me and have me to look like a maniac. But I trust him and believe it will be really good. If J-P not wants to fool me I know it will be good.
M:- How often do you think a guy should cut the hair ?
J-P:- It's so different, as shorter hair as more often to have a fresh formation of the hair. As longer hair as longer can you wait. And you are somewhere in between. It's not odd that you get into phases that you goes from this formation to the real long. Cause this is a formation that you can just let grow and still look OK.
J-P:- I was involved in the start project of BWO. It begun with a project that Alexander and I started. And it ended with that I didn't participate. But another dude was intended. And then Martin came up. It was more interesting. And the most interesting was the big age difference then.