烟焚袭瑾吧 关注:5贴子:100
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1楼2011-04-23 18:09回复
           The king was in his counting-house,
           Counting out his money;
       The queen was in the parlor,
    Eating bread and honey.
           The maid was in the garden,   
           Hanging out the clothes;
           When down came a blackbird
       And snapped off her nose.
    第六首:Who killed Cock Robin?
           Who killed Cock Robin?
           I, said the Sparrow,     
    With my bow and arrow,    
           I killed Cock Robin.     
           Who saw him die?      
           I, said the Fly.     
          With my little eye,     
           I saw him die.    
           Who caught his blood?     
        I, said the Fish,      
           With my little dish,     
        I caught his blood.     
       Who´ll make his shroud?     
           I , said the Beetle,
        With my thread and needle,       
           I´ll make the shroud.      
           Who´ll dig his grave?     
          I, said the Owl,     
         With my pick and shovel,     
         I´ll dig his grave.     
        Who´ll be the person?     
           I, said the Rook,     
           With my little book,     
        I´ll be the parson.     
       Who´ll be the clerk?     
           I, said the Lark,    
           If it´s not in the dark,     
         I´ll be the clerk.    
           Who´ll carry the link?    
           I, said the Linnet,      
           I´ll fetch it in a minute,     

    3楼2011-04-23 18:17
           I´ll carry the link.     
            Who´ll be chief mourner?     
           I, said the Dove,   
         I mourn for my love,     
             I´ll be chief mourner.     
          Who´ll carry the coffin?     
           I, said the Kite,    
             If it´s not through the night,   
             I´ll carry the coffin.     
          Who´ll bear the pall?     
             We, said the Wren,     
             Both the *** and the hen,     
      We´ll bear the pall.   
             Who´ll sing a psalm?     
             I, said the Thrush,     
          As she sat on a bush,     
             I´ll sing a psalm.      
             Who´ll toll the bell?     
             I, said the Bull,     
             Because I can pull,     
           So Cock Robin, farewell.     
             All the birds of the air      
         Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,    
             When they heard the bell toll     
             For poor Cock Robin.      `
             To all it concerns,     
             This notice apprises,     
             The Sparrow´s for trial,     
          At next bird assizes.

      4楼2011-04-23 18:17