411280来一波,互通有无3319181005FS SFG长春http://pan.baidu.com/mbox/homepage?short=i5G6zIl3595392Highway infrastructure planning is most often oriented toward assessing and maintaining physical inventories but it is often the lack of social knowledge about how people perceive, value and use a transportation system that generates the greatest user conflict and mistrust of public agency behavior.0Public Sub LoadResStrings(frm As Form) '读取整个窗体的资源信息 Dim objCtrl As Control Dim obj As Object Dim fnt As Object Dim sCtlType As String Dim nVal As Integer Dim i As Integer On Error Resume Next If frm.Caption <> "" Then frm.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(frm.Caption)) End If ' 窗体Font属性 ' Set form font Set fnt = frm.Font fnt.Name = "宋体" fnt.Size = 9 ' 装入各控件的资源串和设置字体 ' Set the resource text and font of every control For Each objCtrl In frm.Controls sCtlType = TypeName(objCtrl) o0414如题,有的速拉我!!!!!25http://pan.baidu.com/mbox/homepage?short=nvHGbHZ29进来吧新群