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11396148by Tony Gentilcore | Today http://www.t-nation.com/training/fix-your-knees-get-bigger-stron6by Bret Contreras | 06/11/12 The safest way to deadlift is with a neutral spine, right? Ask anyone with an ounce of sense who's spent time in the gym and they'll tell you that the incidence of lifters who injure themselves through rounded-back deadlifting grossly outnumber that of lifters who injure themselves with neutral-spine deadlifting. So if back health is your primary goal, your needs are best served staying in neutral when you pull heavy loads. End of that particular discussion. However, that's not the whole deadlifting story. Most of the world's top conventional deadlifters realize th9by Mark Rippetoe | 11/03/14 Here's what you need to know... Strength and skill can't be developed through methods that employ constant varia9The term ‘tempo’ is used to define the speed of movement of weight-training exercises. More specifically, it is the rate of movement of th0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到powerlifting