010.3.37 zip mysqld --initialize-insecure mysqld install net start mysql 安装后没有my.ini my.cnf配置文件。如何修改3306端口?
0查询出来的中文乱码 网上看了很多教程都是针对 mysql的 有大佬知道如何解决么
2大家好, 我在做mysql定时任务时, event设置每小时执行是可以,设置每天执行就会不执行,恳请帮帮我解决这
0We are proud to announce the beta release series of the MariaDB Jupyter Kernel, making MariaDB Server accessible through the popular next-generation web-based interface. The MariaDB Kernel is ready to try out (installation(https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-jupyter-kernel-installation/), documentation(https://mariadb.com/kb/en/about-the-mariadb-jupyter-kernel/), GitHub(https://github.com/MariaDB/mariadb_kernel)). For all who love the easy Jupyter(https://jupyter.org) user interface, there is now a way to access the MariaDB Server from everyone’s favorite notebook. The MariaDB Jupyter Kernel i
0At MariaDB Foundation, we have many reasons to be thankful towards all of those who have helped us during 2020. A few sample contributions We have recently expressed our gratitude towards contributors in our ecosystem, in 2020. Daniel Black explicitly thanked Tencent for their contributions, and Vicentiu Ciorbaru for the ARM related contributions(https://mariadb.org/arm-improvements-in-2020/). On the same note, Intel has given us access to hardware and software to enable builds using Intel compilers, but more on that once we can release these new builds. Moving from the specific to the general
0Great news! MariaDB got its own DevRoom at FOSDEM 6-7 Feb 2021(https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/). Usually FOSDEM happens in Brussels, but nobody is surprised that it is virtual this year. What FOSDEM is FOSDEM(https://fosdem.org/2021/) is the biggest Free and Open Source Developers Meeting worldwide. I am sure it remains so in these pandemic times. While I will miss all the many social f2f encounters at FOSDEM, I am looking forward to meeting people virtually. Separating MariaDB from MySQL For MariaDB Foundation, this is no small challenge. We will have to establish a Program Committe
0New MariaDB releases come with regular intervals. Releasing a new version is a balance between new functionality and bugfixes on one side, and stability on the other. How do we get optimum quality for the releases? And what exactly is quality, from the point of view of DBAs and developers that use MariaDB Server? That’s the setting of our MariaDB Server MiniFest in two weeks. New MariaDB Releases: The DBA & Developer Experience This MiniFest is called “mini” for three key reasons: 1.It has just one topic 2.It is much shorter, less than half a day 3.It happens just in one time zone Bu
0Time: 2020-10-07 The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.5.6, MariaDB 10.4.15, MariaDB 10.3.25, MariaDB 10.2.34 and MariaDB 10.1.47, the latest stable releases in their respective series. The only change in all releases is a fix for a vulnerability, CVE-2020-15180. See the release notes and changelogs for details. Download MariaDB 10.5.6: https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/10.5.6/ Release Notes: http//mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-1056-release-notes/ Changelog: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-1056-changelog/ What is MariaDB 10.5?: https://mariadb.com/kb/en
0Beijing MariaDB Server Fest 18.-20.9.2020 MariaDB Server Fest is coming to China! This is the virtual and interactive conference organised by MariaDB Foundation, for the Chinese users of MariaDB. Venues: Paris, New York, Beijing We call it Beijing MariaDB Server Fest, like the similar conferences earlier the same week, in Paris for the European and African time zones, and in New York for the American time zones. We provide the same event in three timezones, so that the attendees can attend during daytime hours. Timing: Fri-Sat-Sun 14:00-19:00 The Beijing event happens during Friday, Saturday a
1经核实吧主rankari 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 mariadb吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2商业化的mysql可以考证,mariadb即使你学好了,也无证可考。 还有java可以考证,php没证可以考。
1如题,MariaDB10.1.x 对应MySQL的什么版本
0insert into Yskjjg(Kjjg, Hz, Dx, JO, Cz,Class) select '111',3,false,true,0 , 3 where not exists(select * from Yskjjg where Kjjg ='111') 我的程序中有使用这样的SQL语言,在10.1版本时能正确执行,但服务器升级到10.3后,就报语法错误了(与使用 not exists有关),这是什么原因呢?请教一下各位高手
5./scripts/mysql_install_db --datadir=/app/data --user=mysql 初始化完成之后 使用/etc/init.d/mysql start启动一直失败 [root@izuf63nb42ltsh1wvt3nwvz mysql]# /etc/init.d/mysql start Starting MariaDB.180925 21:57:38 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log'. 180925 21:57:38 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /app/data [FAILED] err.log也没有报错信息,有没有大神告知一下原因。 有没有大神告知一下原因
0各位老哥们,我就想问一下mariadb ax数据库,这个东西收不收费,或者说有没有收费的部分,
0Centos 7下MariaDB数据位置是否能迁移到/home目录下?找了很多网上的方法,都无法重新启动,报错如下: Redir
1岗位名称:某国有股份制银行招IT系统数据库管理岗一名(数据库管理方向,外包运维工程师,Base:深圳罗湖) 岗位职责: 1、负责卡中心MySQL及MariaDB日常维护; 2、管理数据库服务器高可用集群,保障服务稳定7*24可用; 3、建立和维护数据库高可用集群监控和备份恢复机制,提高服务运行质量; 4、对开发人员的访问数据库SQL语句进行评审和调优; 5、负责维护数据库系统的稳定、高效、安全运行,参与数据架构规划设计; 6、负责及时排除数据库故障
0我电脑上没这个文件mysql_ssl_rsa_setup 怎么办啊
3最近在安装了一个dz,用于搭建elevenbeta.com 关于APP开发者的一个社区。 1g内存30g硬盘,是aws的ec2,不知道会
2我yum安装了mariadb10.0.20,一切正常。 然后修改了data目录,这时再用命令service mysql start启动就报错了。 但
3下了maria10 64位zip格式的,解压后怎么有1g这么大,太恐怖(#xFF9F;Д゚)了,都还没上项目。mysql里有3个项目也才400m,请问哪些是可以精简的,谢谢
2小伙伴们,谁那里有MariaDB 数据的增删查改指令呢,这些指令去哪里可以找到呢?
0线上环境centos6.7 线下环境centos6.8 编译环境,gcc-6.3.0,cmake3.5.2 MariaDB版本10.1.20,10.1.19都试过 故障:centos6.7