10来点儿人@巅峰灬筱源 @炎燚彡 @赤黄CP档 @暮光衰锅 @奋斗向上的白菜
5祝吧友们新年快乐…… rt,没了……
2自己研究的,渲染比较亮,失败了92次的成品。附图 uniform vec2 VIEWPORT_DIMENSION; uniform sampler2D TEXTURE_0; uniform sampler2D TEXTURE_1; uniform float RENDER_DISTANCE; varying mediump vec2 uv0; varying mediump vec2 uv1; varying lowp vec4 color; varying float time; varying lowp vec4 skyColor; #ifdef FOG varying lowp vec4 fogColor; #endif float bias = 0.100; // fake mipmap ( value = distance ) const float spos = 0.90750; // 29/32 float map(float x, float min, float max, float newMin, float newMax) { return newMin + (newMax - newMin) * ((x - min) / (max - min)); } void main
6去水楼水了半天才发现没关注 ┏ (^ω^)=☞鸡肉味 嘎嘣脆(^_^)
23好吧,你们都被骗了,让@graykis酱 来解释吧,或者我来解释,倒计时
7一些机器码 b8 20 4e 05 16 14 bb 00 20 01 d8 89 c3 01 d8 b8 1a 00 bb 26 00 00 d8 00 dc 00 c7 b4 00 00 d8 04 9c 对应的ASM指令 mov ax,4E20H add ax,1416H mov bx,2000H add ax,bx mov bx,ax add ax,bx mov ax,001AH mov bx,0026H add al,bl add ah,bl add bh,al mov ah,0 add al,bl add al,9CH
17麻勒个痹还有续集第二章对话框双人物头像篇@我love你虚空 This time I would like to present you an improved version of my old tutorial.. Now the ASM reads from a table, which contains image pointer, palette pointer and pal-#. I will explain you all the variables you must use and the table later. We need: thumb compiler loading.asm removing.asm You also need inserted 64x64 sized mugshots and palettes for them. If you don't know how to make this, visit my old tutorialhere. Its explained step-by-step there. Building up the table Open up your preferred hex-editor and load your
69作者:kyoko1 Many of you probably used it in own hacks or at least you saw hacks with it.. Mugshots, which appeared at the top of textboxes. They look pretty cool, but the most of them have major issues: A box, surrounding the image, and the image itself is replaced with a Pokémon slot! To help many people and hacks, I decided to make this tutorial. With a bit brain you soon have your own mugshot! What do we need? -64x64 sized image -palette of the image -Advance Palette Editor -UnLZ gba -Irfanview -thumb compiler- Download and extract to desktop -Mugshot-showing routine - save to thumb fold
6我插了你,你要记住我(๑x2022; . •x0E51;)
0Mov ax,62627 AX=F4A3H Mov ah,31H AX=31A3H Mov al,23H AX=3123H Add ax,ax AX=6246H Mov bx,826CH BX=826CH Mov cx,ax CX=6246H Mov ax,bx AX=826CH Add ax,bx AX=04D8H Mov al,bh AX=0482H Mov ah,bl AX=6C82H Add ah,ah AX=D882H Add al,6 AX= D888H Add al,al AX=D810H Mov ax,cx AX=6246H 最新成果!
0今天花了两个小时汉化Pokedex Z,结果发现一直在汉化关于Google的东西而且又找不到其他字库了霉死我了