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  • 16
    一楼给Ally Kerr~谢谢他带给我们这么棒的歌!
  • 18
    Hi. I hope to be playing live shows in China later this year. :) Thank you for all your support. I love to read your messages. Here's some spring flowers and my panda that I bought in Beijing! Love, Ally
    疯594 10-16
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    ally_kerr 2014-03
    It's very difficult for me to post messages because I have no knowledge of the Chinese language. However, I wanted to say thank you for your support and for listening to my music :) I hope to play live shows for you next year. With love from Scotland, Ally.
    疯594 10-16
  • 6
    Hi! I’m delighted to announce a Chinese tour starting at the end of September. I’ll be accompanied on this tour by Caroline Evens on violin. Dates are below: 29.09.2012, Beijing : Mao Live House 30.09.2012, Tianjin : 13CLUB 02.10.2012, Tianjin : Tuanbo Football Field (Dreamer Festival) 03.10.2012, Wuhan : Orient Lucky City (Dreamer Festival) 04.10.2012, Shanghai : Lake Malaren (Dreamer Festival) 06.10.2012, Shenzhen : F518 07.10.2012, Guangzhou : T:union Best wishes, Ally Kerr
  • 4
    表示除了the sore feet song,听得最多的一首就是the toothbrush song了~ 于是暑假得到了ally制作的video~逢此中秋佳节放出来给大家分享~
  • 17
    Ally Kerr是来自苏格兰的Indie pop乐队(也是主唱的名字),融合了苏格兰传统民谣和清新独立流行风格,延续了Indie一贯的清新吉他风格。悦耳而淳朴,凄美而哀伤,有那么一丝丝迷惘,当你聆听Calling Out To You这张专辑的时候这一类的形容词可能会脱口而出。这样悦耳动听的音乐出自格拉斯哥唱作人Ally Kerr之手。继Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura 之后,苏格兰的indie 风暴就从未停止过,如今Ally Kerr继续着他们的征程。他不仅继承苏格兰indie pop团惯有的风格

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会员: alien

目录: 个人贴吧
