关注: 3 贴子: 199

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  • 个人贴吧
  • 74
    Sharon 3-23
  • 13
    二月的二十九天,四年才有一次。 生肖的轮转,十二年一个轮回。 而我们时间经不起几个轮回。 人生多的是不知何为,不知为何。 即便迷茫,即便无措,即便徘徊, 也要朝着心中那个方向迈进。 结果或许重要, 但现今只能拼尽全力去搏一搏。 结果交给未来,拼搏交付现在。 留下时光的痕迹用于追忆逝去的点滴。 也不枉在人间走上了一遭。
    Sharon 8-17
  • 82
    我喜欢一个有雾的清晨, 我喜欢一个有人伴着谈心的黄昏。 ——翻译界泰斗许渊冲先生17岁日记
    Sharon 7-3
  • 25
    The whole winter, I seldomly saw the sun. The rain lasts in the spring. I quited my job a week ago, and seeked for the job which can work from home. It is not easy to me as I found myself nothing. At the same time, I prepared for CATTI, but I frustrated due to the accuracy is too low. I consoled myself that difficult situtation make me big process. I received several tests from translation company today after a week without any information. However, I'm not sure whether I can pass the test and then do a good job. It is a long journey to do translation, not only the skills, but also the pra
    Sharon 11-3
  • 0

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目录: 个人贴吧