11园丁集 冰心译 1 当我在夜里独赴幽会的时候,鸟儿不叫,风儿不吹,街道两旁的房屋沉默地站立着. &nbs
1In the morning I cast my net into the sea. I dragged up from the dark abyss things of strange aspect and strange beauty--some shone like
0I get what I did not seek I seek what I can not get
11园丁集 冰心译 1 当我在夜里独赴幽会的时候,鸟儿不叫,风儿不吹,街道两旁的房屋沉默地站立着. 是
3I Servant HAVE mercy upon your servant, my queen! Queen The assembly is over and my servants are all gone. Why do you come at t
1咀嚼你的文字,嘴里只剩下芬芳。 别人的诗写现在,你的诗写未来。 别人的诗是点,或者好的,是面,你的诗是体。 平凡被你赋以伟大,琐碎被你演绎浪
0Come as you are; do not loiter 【磨蹭】over your toilet. If your braided【辫子形的】 hair has loosened, if the parting of your hair be n
0Let your work be, bride. Listen, the guest has come. Do you hear, he is gently shaking the chain which fastens the door? See【保证】
0When I go alone at night to my love-tryst【爱的约会】, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir【搅拌】, the houses on both sides of the st
0When the lamp went out by my bed I woke up with the early birds. I sat at my open window with a fresh wreath 【花串】on my loose hair.
0VII O mother, the young Prince is to pass by our door, --how can I attend to my work this morning?【哪有心思干活】 Show me how to braid
0I am restless. I am athirst【渴望的】 for faraway【遥远的】 things. My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt【边缘】 of the dim
0II "AH, poet, the evening draws near; your hair is turning grey. "Do you in your lonely
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