0经核实吧主mos511 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 without吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2Season changing Another year goes by too slow Blurry memories Must be getting old Too much pot and heroine Too much crack and coke I am waiting devastating oh Anytime at all Just hear this song Any days too long Just turn it on With or without me holding you at all Anytime at all Just hear this song Any days too long Just turn it on With or without me holding you at all Take a pink one Pick a red one Sir Devil Give me a reason To be standing tall Could you wake me form misery Don't wanna be alone Walls are closing I am floating oh Anytime at all
38看样好久没有人来这个吧了 ,因为 我喜欢这首歌所以来到了 这个吧,这首歌绝对是经典,我觉得没有人能超过原唱,我听过国人翻唱版本,不是我说差远 了。直到张靓影的出现,让我感到 惊喜,她英文歌唱的好,不知道她唱是什么感觉,我觉得她未必能胜任,要不然她为什么不唱这首歌,一定是不好唱,如果唱好了那肯定会轰动的,因为那高音部分太有感染力了,简直是越来越高
2http://www.xiami.com/collect/30401808?spm=a1z1s.6626009.0.0.Kcqk 有兴趣可以听听看。不得不说,Without You 是我最爱的一首歌曲,这张精选集将选录不同时期的各个翻唱版本,但是由于翻唱版本有好几百首,这里只是仅仅挑出有点特色的版本~。
4第一次听这首歌是阿哲唱的, 那种高音渐渐变浓, 只是觉得好听。 那晚在学校里听一女生唱这是, 听了很久,很熟悉, 就是忘了歌名了, 20秒后我猛然想起是这首歌。 回去搜了一下, 我感觉玛利亚凯利唱的也很不错,张信哲唱的也同样不错哇
0新型网络项目日进100-500裙(2,5,6,0,6,0,1) , [without]
0858谢谢大家!我只是想问Without you的原唱!!!8在哪儿能听到惠特尼·休斯顿唱的without you?13现在再听还是一样的感觉~! 心灵的震撼 灵魂碰撞 我永远的最爱~~30Without you 打印此页 歌手:Mariah Cary Without You Mariah Carey No I can't forget this evening Or you face as you were leaving But I guess that's just the way The story goes You always smile but in your eyes Your sorrow shows Yes it shows No I can't forget tomorrow When I think of all my sorrow When I had you there But then I let you go And now it's only fair That I should let you know What you should know I can't live If living is without you I can't live I can't live anymore If living is without you I can't give I can't give anymore0我已经把你给我的那半副耳坠挂在脖子上了。 关于爱的那种执念,是我永远卸不下的十字架,在渺小又苦涩的人生中高高架起,被那些我不在乎的一切炙烤,直到这样的我化为灰烬…… 你知道的,对于我,生命不过如此。或许有一天,我变了,那时的我将不再是我,到了那一刻,不能离去的我,心心念着你的我,辗转反侧的我,绝望的我,狼狈的我,心痛的我,失语的我,哑了的我……已经死了……0For HIDE0newlife3真正首唱的却是一位也许内地乐迷并不太熟悉的美国唱作人Harry Nilsson,一个满脸络腮胡也不知道修饰的脏不拉几的音乐人0作曲家咋整的8对这首歌的诠释很到位.真的是一个WITHOUT YOU的人在唱. AIR SUPPLY其次.也很好.1without you ,only live, katrina组成的一个故事,背景歌曲就是without you ,only live, katrina三首歌。故事大意是说一男的喜欢女的,表白,女的拒绝了,后来男的出国,飞机失事。大概就这样2Welcome to this forum. Can you imagine what our lives would be without the Internet? Some people think without the Internet, they would have more free time to do some sport. While other people think they would not be able to complete their work smoothly. What's your opinion? Can we live without the Internet?2《Without You》是由Mariah Carey翻唱的一首歌曲,也是她的成名曲。空气补给乐队曾翻唱过此歌曲,声音明亮而温润 此歌第一次发行是在1970年11月9日,收录于英伦组合Badfinger的专辑《No Dice》 该歌真正流行始于1972年Harry Nilsson 不要忘了 (穷人甲壳虫) Badfinger的0乖乖!!!!!!!!!69Mariah Carey-Without You 试听: http://music.yzren.net/play/yxplay.asp?id=50845 歌词: Without You No l can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving But l guess that's just the way the story goes You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows Yes it shows …… No l can't forget tomorrow when l think of all my sorrow When l had you there but then l let you go And now it's only fair that l should let you know What you should know …… I can't live if living is without you …… I can't live l can't give any3很难找。。。百度一下尽是玛丽亚的without you。。。找了好久才找到的5这首是Yoshiki弹给hide的安魂曲 他们都是X的人1No l can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving 我忘不了,忘不了你离去时的那张面孔。 But l guess that's just0without you 一个韩国男唱的 谁知道告诉下 谢谢了 急用0