3麻烦各位大神有没有做过business plan的assngement ?谢谢大神
0请问有人在Business Valuation Resources网站上查过流动性折扣率吗,能帮我查个资料吗
0帮助企业撰写商业计划书、项目可行性报告、第三方尽调报告、年度财务分析报告。经过具体洽谈后根据企业实际情况确定服务内容及价格。好的项目可以帮助对接商务或融资资源。 商业计划书分为路演版(根据路演情况,大赛通常为3分钟、6分钟及9分钟)+详尽版(用于内部,或者投资人签订NDA(保密协议)后出示)。
1Business Week商业周刊英文版哪里可以订?
2Hello,dears I am from EU,and we have one purchase center in china.I only want to share my experience to you,and do not hope you can not meet this kind of FRAUD.Shenyang Yi Xin Sheng Lai Refractory Materials Co., Ltd. is one of companies which gave me their Fraud.We just want to purchase products from them,they give me good price and,and we buy sample from them.after we buy the sample and have a test,the sample is good.but when we want to purchase from them by volume.this company contact our chinese office,and negotiate with our chinese office,they want to ship to us replace by bad goods with s
2Hello,dears I am from EU,and we have one purchase center in china.I only want to share my experience to you,and do not hope you can not meet this kind of FRAUD.Shenyang Yi Xin Sheng Lai Refractory Materials Co., Ltd. is one of companies which gave me their Fraud.We just want to purchase products from them,they give me good price and,and we buy sample from them.after we buy the sample and have a test,the sample is good.but when we want to purchase from them by volume.this company contact our chinese office,and negotiate with our chinese office,they want to ship to us replace by bad goods with s
6Business travel abroad can locate and cultivate new customers and improve relationships and communication with current foreign representatives and associates. As in domestic business? there is nothing like a face-to-face meeting with a client or customer. 以上内容是一篇文章的第一段,谁知道这段英文的出处,谁知道译文哪里可以找到。。。。。。。
0陪读1年J2赴美目的是否填写temp. business pleasure visitor