关注: 1,929 贴子: 4,257

  • 目录:
  • 绘画
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    类型:Golden(金色) 🔘 Saint George Killing the Dragon --chaos 10 --sref 4277858188 --style raw --v 6.1 --stylize 400 --personalize 95a3jwz 🔘 cute girl, gold, gems, roses, movie texture, --chaos 10 --sref 4277858188 --style raw --v 6.1 --stylize 400 --personalize 95a3jwz 🔘 Gladiator training soldiers --chaos 10 --sref 4277858188 --style raw --v 6.1 --stylize 400 --personalize 95a3jwz 🔘 Close-up of mountains made out of gold, photorealistic, cinematic. --chaos 10 --sref 4277858188 --style raw --v 6.1 --stylize 400 --personalize 95a3jwz
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    对于设计师寻找灵感,尤其是进行Logo设计、场景构图等创意工作时,文生图(文本生成图像)工具能极大地激发创意灵感。 分享一款文生图工具: 可以免费试用,MJ prompt也适用的 描述词:蛋糕烘焙店充值优惠活动,整体风格简单大方,温馨有购买欲望。颜色以牛油果绿及黄白色为主。 描述词:一张办公桌上放着一台apple笔记本,一个白色鼠标,旁边放着一个金色的礼物盒。桌子的左上角放着一个有点模糊的小圣诞树。主题圣诞节,
    jiangzi1102 10-22
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Purple(紫色) 🔘A dynamic and energetic concert scene captured from backstage, with vivid neon lights reflecting off musical instruments. --chaos 100 --sref 1951547188 --style raw --stylize 1000 --v 6.1 --personalize 8w3i9ck --sw 1000 🔘god --chaos 100 --sref 1951547188 --style raw --stylize 1000 --v 6.1 --personalize 8w3i9ck --sw 1000 🔘midjourney --chaos 100 --sref 1951547188 --style raw --stylize 1000 --v 6.1 --personalize 8w3i9ck --sw 1000 🔘Movie film still of waves crash at the cliff --chaos 100 --sref 1951547188 --style raw --stylize 1000
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    网页软件都有 有需直接d
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    纯小白,想问下这是 AI 绘图做的吗?自己想直接学做这种类似的有没有大佬懂如何做的?尤其那个发光特效很好看很有意境
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    网页软件都有 有需直接d
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义) 🔘海洋公园--sref 861788575 🔘奇异生物--sref 861788575 🔘模拟人生--sref 861788575
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    这组作品以James Jean的风格为灵感,将紫色与金色的海浪泡沫结合星星,营造出梦幻般的海洋景象。画面中充满了霓虹色调,粉色海星点缀其中,背景是浩瀚的夜空与起伏的海浪。这些作品不仅展现了艺术家的独特风格,还带给观众一种超现实的视觉体验。 关键词: ☑️ 紫色和金色海浪泡沫/Purple and golden sea foam ☑️ 漂浮的星星/Floating stars ☑️ James Jean风格/James Jean's style ☑️ 霓虹色/Neon colors ☑️ 粉色海星/Pink starfish ☑️ 夜空/Night sky ☑️ 海浪/Ocean
    MJ实验室 10-21
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    这组作品展示了由Cooper Motion设计工作室打造的创新家具系统,采用纸板材料,结合植物和食品储藏柜的模块化设计。灵感源自大自然和地球色调,背景为白色,强调简约现代的木质家具风格。通过详细的产品开发图,展现了客厅家具在不同风格和尺寸上的多样性,为生活空间带来无限可能。 关键词: ☑️ 模块化家具/Modular furniture ☑️ 植物和食品柜/Planters and food cabinets ☑️ 纸板材料/Cardboard material ☑️ Cooper Motion设计工作室/Cooper Motion Design Studio ☑
    MJ实验室 10-18
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    类型:2D 🔘an rpg fantasy style battle where 3 characters in a line are fighting a fierce looking dragon --sref 3721034756 --v 6.1 🔘Gameboy style back drop, Blocky, Art, 2D, Night --sref 3721034756 --v 6.1 🔘2d女性角色,银色拖地长发,可爱服装,可爱,周围有粉色爱心光环2d game --sref 3721034756 --v 6.1 🔘a game with goblin enemies in a camp wearing sword and shields in ghibli style --sref 3721034756 --v 6.1
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    类型:Anime(卡通), Blue(蓝色), Vintage(复古) 🔘AOC crushing beer and shooting ARs on top of JDM cars --sref 3986738193::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 🔘film grain, edge softness, mustang interior, man in leather jacket, driving at night, neon lights, man's face lit up by traffic lights --sref 3986738193::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 🔘featuring a beautiful girl with long, curly black hair and a purple t-shirt. The image exudes aesthetic vibes, with muted colors and a retro, vintage style in the fashion. --sref 3986738193::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 🔘neon genesis evangelion anime --sr
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    这组作品以孩子的简笔画风格呈现,充满了天真与想象力。每幅画作都以独特的视角展现了孩子眼中的世界,像是看见外星人、幽灵、流动餐车、动物园、世界上最快乐的狗以及神圣女神等场景。这些作品不仅捕捉了童年的纯真,还以抽象艺术的方式传达了丰富的情感和故事。 关键词: ☑️ 孩子的简笔画/Child's doodle ☑️ 外星人/Aliens ☑️ 幽灵/Ghosts ☑️ 流动餐车/Food truck ☑️ 动物园/Zoo ☑️ 快乐的狗/Happy dog ☑️ 神圣女神/Divine goddess ☑️ 抽象艺
    MJ实验室 10-17
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    类型:Photography(摄影), Black(黑色), Vintage(复古) 🔘close-up minimalist photo of dinosaur wearing apple vr headset, troubadour style, white and olive colors, studio photo --sref 2421824781 --style raw --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 200 🔘fortune teller --sref 2421824781 --style raw --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 200 🔘low light, night photo of an empty fog nature landscape, mirror cube floating in the air, in the middle of the dark forest, night, wet, thick heavy fog, green light, serene, calming, unsettling --sref 2421824781 --style raw --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 200 🔘white futuri
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    这组作品将快餐与奢华完美结合,打造出令人惊艳的视觉盛宴。从镶嵌珍珠宝石的汉堡,到20世纪初风格闪耀的麦当劳,每个作品都在经典的基础上增添了奢华元素,展现出独特的创意与魅力。通过这些作品,我们重新定义了快餐的可能性,让人耳目一新。 关键词: ☑️ 薯条/Fries ☑️ 麦当劳包装/McDonald's packaging ☑️ 宝石/Gems ☑️ 钻石/Diamonds ☑️ 奢华/Luxurious 咒语: 英文:A luxurious box offriesinMcDonald's packaging, adorned withgems and diamonds. 中文:一盒奢华
    MJ实验室 10-16
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    这组作品通过简单而富有冲击力的设计,展现了光与影的完美结合。左侧的金色线条光轨与中心的白色螺旋相互辉映,营造出一种神秘而优雅的氛围。每幅作品都以深色背景为基调,巧妙运用光线的变化,带给观众视觉上的震撼与思考的空间。 关键词: ☑️ 深色背景/Dark background ☑️ 光轨/Light track ☑️ 金色线条/Golden lines ☑️ 白色螺旋/White spiral ☑️ 中心/Center 咒语: 英文:Create a scene with adark backgroundfeaturing alight trackwithgolden lineson the left and anillum
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    类型:Cyberpunk(赛博朋克), Green(绿色) 🔘black Dodge Challenger hellcat, the car's green coloured headlights shine through a thick fog like a demon about to pounce, only the headlights and a barely visible silhouette of the car can be seen through the fog --chaos 10 --sref 1913038253 --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 800 --personalize e3vucyf 🔘Ultra-detailed cyberpunk female character design. The environment around her is a bustling, futuristic cityscape, full of neon lights, towering skyscrapers, and holographic billboards. --chaos 10 --sref 1913038253 --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 800 --
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    这组作品通过极简风格的产品摄影,完美展现了美食的诱人魅力。无论是甜甜圈、百吉饼,还是中式外卖,每个作品都在白色背景下,以高清画质和精致的手工标签,突出产品的独特性。通过专业的灯光和俯视视角,这些美食仿佛跃然纸上,适合在线展示和推广。 关键词: ☑️ 产品摄影/Product photography ☑️ 白色背景/White background ☑️ 甜甜圈/Doughnut ☑️ 广告文字/Ad word ☑️ 可爱标签/Cute label ☑️ 手工制作标签/Made by hand label ☑️ 实色背景/Solid color
    MJ实验室 10-15
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    类型:Cartoon(卡通), Anime(卡通), Pink(粉色) 🔘dominant looking anime woman, pink spirals, spiral background, pink spirals background, beautiful nurse, natural pink light, shiny pink lips, big eyes with long eyelashes, elegant --sref 2429418260::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize u1btxdb 🔘pulp comics,a zombie hunter, danger, pulp art, hyper-realistic manga style, lurid, magazine cover imagery, dynamic composition --sref 2429418260::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize u1btxdb 🔘detailed illustration of A cyberpunk nun sticking out her tongue and having a playful express
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    这组作品将自然世界以超级毡制风格呈现,强调毡材质的质感与创意。通过轴移摄影技术,创造出微观场景,展现极简主义的魅力。每个作品都通过细腻的毡制工艺,赋予自然元素以生动的卡通风格,带来视觉上的新奇体验和艺术享受。 关键词: ☑️ 自然世界/Natural world ☑️ 超级毡制风格卡通/Super felt style cartoon ☑️ 强烈毡材质/Strong felt material ☑️ 轴移摄影/Axis shift photography ☑️ 微观场景/Micro scene ☑️ 极简主义/Minimalism 咒语: 英文:Design anatura
    MJ实验室 10-12
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影) 🔘a woman wearing stockings --sref 2538114577::1 --niji 6 --style raw --personalize 4wrdtbz --stylize 1000 🔘nyc fashion week carte-de-visite --sref 2538114577::1 --niji 6 --style raw --personalize 4wrdtbz --stylize 1000 🔘shiny silver metal chromatic greece statue, close up --sref 2538114577::1 --niji 6 --style raw --personalize 4wrdtbz --stylize 1000 🔘A high-fashion photoshoot in a desert canyon, featuring two models in oversized minimalist garments. luxurious simplicity, avant-garde streetwear --sref 2538114577::1 --niji 6
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    这组作品通过极简主义风格探索世界各地的古建筑,从长城到埃及金字塔、欧洲中世纪城堡、日本宝塔和玛雅神庙,每个作品都以独特的艺术手法呈现。使用矢量艺术和精致的色彩搭配,这些封面设计不仅展现了历史的厚重感,还融入了现代的简约美学,带来视觉上的震撼与文化的深思。 关键词: ☑️ 长城封面/Great Wall cover ☑️ 传统元素/Traditional elements ☑️ 深棕色调/Dark brown color scheme ☑️ 矢量艺术/Vector art ☑️ 宫殿/Palaces ☑️ 中国刺绣/Chinese em
    MJ实验室 10-12
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    这组作品通过设计分析图探索胡夫金字塔和狮身人面像的文化元素。左侧展示了金字塔的历史与建筑细节,右侧则是其未来感十足的全息线框图,象征着古代文化与现代科技的融合。通过分屏设计和箭头、标签连接具体元素,清晰展示了从传统到未来的演变。每个作品都以8K质量呈现,结合黄金比例和电影级光效,突显过去与未来的对比。 关键词: 🔹 设计分析图/Design analysis diagram 🔹 胡夫金字塔/Great Pyramid of Giza 🔹 历史与建筑元素/Historical and archite
    MJ实验室 10-12
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影) 🔘a close up of a beautiful girl with slicked back white hair and extremely long turquoise eyelashes. she wearing huge turquoise geode slices as earrings and turquoise headband. --chaos 10 --sref 2295926419 --style raw --sw 200 --stylize 300 --personalize e3vucyf 🔘snake --chaos 10 --sref 2295926419 --style raw --sw 200 --stylize 300 --personalize e3vucyf 🔘a blue gemstone necklace in hues that echo the abstract Sea wave, showcased under soft lighting to highlight its elegance. --chaos 10 --sref 2295926419 --style raw --sw 200 -
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    类型:Vector(矢量图) 🔘A high fashion photoshoot of a Brazilian woman wearing mental Asylum Haute couture, she is in a straight jacket dress and glass stilettos, her face is captivating. --sref 4139756554 --chaos 10 --sw 200 --stylize 1000 --personalize 6aszeax 🔘A floating red and raw diamond suspended in the air above a desert landscape at night, in the style of Rory Gardiner. --sref 4139756554 --chaos 10 --sw 200 --stylize 1000 --personalize 6aszeax 🔘Close up, close eyes,A Bichon Frise with ears and fur blowing in the wind, in the style of illustrator YEYE’s sketchy puppies -
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    小新dd 10-10
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    莫奈 撑阳伞的女人
    多吉宝藏 10-10
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    这组作品通过视觉化分析图,探索研究原型与设计转化之间的关系。左侧展示了古代中国建筑/兵马俑的3D全息线框,右侧则是其未来感十足的数字艺术作品。通过黄金比例的分屏设计和暗色背景,突显出发光元素的魅力。每个作品都以8K电影级质量呈现,结合箭头、标签和连接线,清晰展示出研究如何启发最终设计。 关键词: 🔹 灵感分析图/Inspiration analysis diagram 🔹 3D全息线框/3D holographic wireframe 🔹 古代中国建筑/Ancient Chinese architecture 🔹 未来数字
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    类型:Hologram(全息图), Surrealistic(超现实主义) 🔘nthropomorphic Giant Goliath frog decorated with glowing stylised tribal tattoos --sref 1047843963 --style raw --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 800 🔘minimalisic photo of a simple men's nice bottled fragrance, by Greg Hildebrandt --sref 1047843963 --style raw --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 800 🔘a women’s back and spine --v 6.1 --stylize 800 🔘A stunning shot of huge Chinese sculpture, inspired by Chinese Temple. A person is walking at night, with cinematic lighting and warm lights inside a boat. The color palette is black and blue,
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    格鲁特 10-8
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    这组作品展示了专业产品摄影的艺术,通过精致的布置和高保真细节,呈现出军事模型的独特魅力。半透明的潜水战斗机与金色武器的前视图相结合,营造出层次丰富的视觉效果。整个展览空间采用包容性设计,创新的展示方式为观众带来视觉上的享受,每张图片都以高分辨率呈现,完美捕捉每个细节。 关键词: ☑️ 专业产品摄影/Professional product shooting ☑️ 半透明潜水战斗机/Semi-transparent military d ive fighter ☑️ 金色武器/Gold firearms ☑️ 高保真/High
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    类型:Cartoon(卡通) 🔘Mortecai Studio --sref 3193102811::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize crvjjz l🔘A high school girl with black hair, wearing a white top and navy blue skirt, a red ribbon tied around her neck, sitting on the floor in stockings, a full body shot, a studio portrait on a white background. --sref 3193102811::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize crvjjzl 🔘飞天小女警穿着高定--sref 3193102811::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize crvjjzl 🔘101斑点狗--sref 3193102811::1 --niji 6 --stylize 1000 --personalize crvjjzl
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    吧务 10-7
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    这组作品以超现实静物摄影为主题,捕捉了魔幻花卉和露珠的奇妙世界。柔和的薰衣草背景衬托出花瓣的细腻与透明,运用ZBrush风格和动漫美学,营造出一个充满幻想的花园主题。每张图片都采用鲜艳的花卉色彩,以8K超高清呈现,带来视觉上的震撼与美感。 关键词: ☑️ 超现实静物摄影/Surreal still life photography ☑️ 魔幻花卉/Enchanted flowers ☑️ 露珠/Dew drops ☑️ 微距拍摄/Macro shots ☑️ 透明花瓣/Translucent petals ☑️ ZBrush风格/ZBrush style ☑️ 动漫美学
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影) 🔘a product range of men skincare product with label --chaos 10 --sref 291548067 --v 6.1 --stylize 400 🔘Batgirl, in full Batgirl armor suit, caucasian, tired,exhausted,in pain, chest up and back, lie down, injured, her torso arched back, she is in tears, cry, sweating profusely, , side view,surrounded by bad guys, arms constrained at back, intricate detailed batgirl suit and eyes, torso grabbed by some joker's clown bad guys thugs , , she is in a abandoned dirty warehouse, photorealistic --chaos 10 --sref 291548067 --v 6.1 --styl
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Color(彩色) 🔘wonderland --sref 1791691478space --sref 1791691478 🔘strange world --sref 1791691478 🔘space --sref 1791691478 🔘astro world --sref 1791691478
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影), Red(红色) 🔘fashion editorial, a chinese model is dancing with gorgeous costume, , red background, artificial lighting on the model face, retro glow, delicate light and shadow --chaos 10 --sref 3344337811 --style raw --stylize 200 --quality 2 --v 6.1 --sw 80 🔘Front view, red chinese palace, interior design, temple, photorealistic, han dynasty 8k --chaos 10 --sref 3344337811 --style raw --stylize 200 --quality 2 --v 6.1 --sw 80 🔘Red background, high-end luxury product advertisement photos. --chaos 10 --sref 3344337811 --styl
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    这组作品以微缩摄影的形式展现了两个奇幻的水下世界。色彩斑斓的糖果珊瑚礁,精美的糖晶装饰,以及冰块构成的海底,营造出超现实的冰冷珊瑚景观。通过3D粘土世界和卡通风格的结合,作品充满了活力和乐趣。OC和3D渲染技术的运用,使每一个场景都充满了探索和幻想的魅力。 关键词: ☑️ 微缩摄影/Miniature photography ☑️ 移轴镜头/Tilt-shift lens ☑️ 水下仙境/Underwater wonderland ☑️ 糖果珊瑚礁/Colored candy coral reefs ☑️ 糖晶装饰/Sugar crystals ☑️ 冰
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    这组作品展示了通过Apple Vision Pro体验未来世界的可能性。无论是实时显示球员数据的NBA比赛,还是配有互动信息面板的自然景观,每个场景都完美融合了现实与增强现实技术。通过无缝的界面设计和透明的叠加效果,这些作品让观众仿佛置身于动态环境中,感受真实与未来的结合。 关键词: ☑️ 高分辨率3D场景/High-res 3D scene ☑️ Apple Vision Pro ☑️ 现实与增强现实结合/Blend real-world with AR ☑️ NBA比赛/NBA game ☑️ 全息统计/Holographic stats ☑️ 自然景观
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    类型:Anime(卡通), Red(红色) 🔘A girl surrounded by shimmering fragments, illuminated by a soft warm light, her face reflecting tranquility and acceptance, with abstract elements in the background enhancing the emotion. --sref 3782352226::1 --niji 6 🔘A beautiful white-haired fairy with wings, sitting on the mossy ground in an enchanted forest surrounded by glowing fireflies at night, holding up her wand and casting magic spells. in the style of artist James C. Christensen, golden age of illustrations, glowing, elder lords, john Bauer Kay nielsen Edmund dulac, Tim walker, pentax k10
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    这组作品以未来主义和极简主义为主题,通过精细的机械手、赛博世界、无线电波以及黑洞对人类的影响等元素,展现了一个充满想象力和科技感的视觉盛宴。每一幅作品都蕴含着深刻的哲思,邀请观众探索科技与人类之间的复杂关系,仿佛进入一个超现实的未来世界。 关键词: ☑️ 未来主义宣言/Futuristic manifesto ☑️ 极简主义/Minimalist ☑️ 机械手/Mechanized hand ☑️ 赛博世界/Cyberworld ☑️ 无线电波/Radio wave ☑️ 黑洞效应/Effects of a black hole 咒语:
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    类型:Photography(摄影), Pink(粉色) 🔘A samurai portrait in the style of Vaporwave Baroque --sref 20240916🔘surreal city of tokyo --sref 20240916🔘man is posing in front of great ancient sculptures, in the style of light beige, white and pink, luxurious fabrics, very exlusive painting with lots of spark and shiny elements. the style of chiaroscuro. It was created in the style of William-Adolphe Bouguereau and lucian freud. --sref 20240916🔘a yellow and blue robot covered in tattoos, holding large laser guns in its hands and smiling. The robot is wearing bright streetwear with co

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