0Abstract Bite marks suggest that the late Eocence archaeocete whale Basilosaurus isis (Birket Qarun Formation, Egypt) fed upon juveniles of the contemporary basilosaurid Dorudon atrox. Finite element analysis (FEA) of a nearly complete adult cranium of B. isis enables estimates of its bite force and tests the animal’s capabilities for crushing bone. Two loadcases reflect different biting scenarios: 1) an intitial closing phase, with all adductors active and a full condylar reaction force; and 2) a shearing phase, with the posterior temporalis active and minimized condylar force. The latter i
0A new paper, A diminutive new basilosaurid whale reveals the trajectory of the cetacean life histories during the Eocene, co-authored by Ph.D. student, Sanaa El-Sayed published in Communications BiologyLife reconstruction of the extinct basilosaurid whale Tutcetus rayanensis swimming in the Tethys Ocean of present-day Egypt, 41 million years ago. Illustration by Ahmed Morsi. Credit: Hesham Sallam - Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontology Center An international team of scientists, led by Egyptian researchers, has made a groundbreaking discovery of a new species of extinct whale, Tutcetus r
0A diminutive new basilosaurid whale reveals the trajectory of the cetacean life histories during the Eocene Mohammed S. Antar, Abdullah S. Gohar, Heba El-Desouky, Erik R. Seiffert, Sanaa El-Sayed, Alexander G. Claxton & Hesham M. Sallam Communications Biology volume 6, Article number: 707 (2023) Cite this article 11k Accesses 1 Citations 1829 Altmetric Metricsdetails Abstract Soon after whales originated from small terrestrial artiodactyl ancestors, basal stem forms (archaeocetes) came to inhabit more specialized aquatic ecologies and underwent a tremendous adaptive radiation that culminat
0A 3D model of a Basilosaurus isis skull, showing points of stress during a bite. From Snively et al., 2015. SCIENCE LAELAPS Basilosaurus the Bone-CrusherByRiley BlackMarch 06, 2015•4 min read Bite force is all the rage lately. This year alone paleontologists have published new bite force estimates for the largest rodent of all time and a prehistoric crocodylian heavyweight. And in the pages of PLOS ONE, Eric Snively, Julia Fahlke, and Robert Welsh have brought another superlative chomper to attention – the early whale Basilosaurus. The inspiration for the study came from damaged bones. In
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1巨齿鲨或长逾20米 几口就能吞下杀人鲸 (化石网整理)据东网:活在1,100万年前的海洋生物巨齿鲨,多年来只有牙齿和脊椎化石传世,故学界一直无法得知其真正大小。英国一批科学家最近根据巨齿鲨仅存的化石资料,重建电脑3D模型,竟估计这种史前海中巨兽的真身长逾20米,就算长达8米的杀人鲸,它也只需几口便能吃下,打破了学界以为它只长10至18米的推测。 古生物学家皮米恩托(Catalina Pimiento)教授与解剖学家哈钦森(John Hutchinson)以现存于比
2二叠纪末生物大灭绝事件(没有)重创深水海洋生态系统 (化石网整理)据《科学通报》:《科学通报》近期发表题为“二叠纪-三叠纪之交深水海洋环境生态系统工程”的论文,作者基于定量古生物学的三维可视化模型,发现二叠纪末生物大灭绝事件前后的深水海洋生态空间利用和生态系统工程并未有显著变化。这暗示着此次生物大灭绝事件前后深水海洋生态系统处于相对稳定的状态,生态级次较高的生态工程建造者控制着深水海洋环境生态系统中
0亲爱的龙王鲸吧的吧友们:大家好! @S🐼thh 为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计1张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准其成为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
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