7全部把它换成力量,结果。。。 Battle Stats Strength: 7,533,380.9064 Defense: 224.6508 Speed: 231.3336 Dexterity: 210.4292 Total: 7,534,047.32
25欢迎加入我们,开启在托恩城的第二人生,同我们一起书写历史! 请加入QQ群:138838543,注明理由:托恩传记 托恩城已经出现十几年了,这里有来自真实世界许许多多不同地区的玩家。 截至2020年5月,登记在册的托恩城居民有250(这个数字好象不太好)多万人,然而一大半却因为各种各样的原因消失不见。目前官方宣称的人口是114万人,而过去24小时内至少在城市角落里出现一次刷存在感的,大约有三四万人。 这里的国人就少得可怜了。在九年多以
1经核实吧主红龙血脉地精 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 torncity吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0有一起玩的hxd吗,自己玩有点无聊。 用这个链接注册,网页链接 ,到时候一起玩。
8我id 1523811 还在玩的兄弟姐妹有兴趣联系联系。
9我从UK刚飞回Torn就提示我如下,我的家被封锁了 As you make your way home you find your way blocked by a check point enforced heavily by police wearing gas masks. You walk over to one of them to ask what's going on, but as you take a step forward the officer raises their SMG. You move slowly back to a safe distance as other people clutter into the area making the same mistake you did. "Go back to your homes! We are in a state of emergency!" As the sound of gun fire fills the air, you run for cover and hide. 后来我才知道是附近爆炸了个DIRTY BOMB! You
3水一个 等大部队
3Times in hospital: 384 Attacks lost: 46 Defends lost: 390
0玩的朋友加群 138838543
1大家好,我还在玩torn。 你呢?
3我老被NPC虐怎么破? 打不准啊
4You hear a sickening boom outside your house. Immediately you switch on the TV, but there's only static. You look out of your window and see smoke coming from behind a parking lot a mile away. Minutes later, several sirens fly past your house. You hear screams and see people running for their lives in the other direction. The TV static fades, in its place is a reporter. "...or homes! I say again, stay in your homes! Do NOT make any attempt to go out in to the city." "That's right Jane, very good advice! ...I'm standing here just meters away from ground zero, you can
525/08/13 7:44:44 AM Congratulations! You upgraded your level to 15! 25/08/13 7:44:37 AM Congratulations! You upgraded your level to 14! 25/0
0来自 /forums.php?forumID=1&ID=16190828 I want to thank everyone, from our non-donators, to our loyal subscribers for valiantly sticking with us over the past two years. We've made an abysmal effort to update you with our usual monthly content and have been abhorrently quiet due to our focus on RESPO - the base layer and foundation for the new TORN. In February 2012, we made the brave decision to make perhaps the biggest leap browser based games have ever seen. We knew the huge costs and risks, but we felt we had no choice. It was the logical next step. We quadrupled our full time develop
1Civilian skill points: 1 Immune system: Level 0 [Upgrade] Scent evasion: Level 0 [Upgrade] Antidotes: 0 [Buy] 这两项分别对应的什么啊