2When the fire to ice will run, When the tide no longer turns, And when the rock melt with the sun, My love for you have just begun. 这几句与我国汉乐府诗歌中的短篇精品《上邪》相比也是不遑多让啊! 在含义上有异曲同工之妙,在韵律上也算整齐(基本以“un”作为韵脚)。 求问词作者是谁(我猜这又是哪首英诗改编的),还写过哪些歌? 不胜感激! ---贴吧极速版 For UWP
1云盘地址 http://pan.baidu.com/disk/home#path=%252F%25E7%25BE%258E%25E8%25
2如题,Meav宣布回归凯尔特女人十周年纪念巡演(3月8日至4月5日)。此阶段凯尔特女人巡演成员为Meav, Mairead Carlin, Mairead Nesbitt和 Susan McFadden.
3On Sunday October 12th 2014 at 11am Méav will be the soloist with the choir of St Teresa’s, Clarendon St in a mass to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Avila. Composer Ronan Mc Donagh has written a beautiful and heartfelt new work for the occasion. The mass broadcast live from RTE on TV and radio. You can also watch it live online here:www.rte.ie/live
32也不算资源吧……还请会的人麻烦搬下来~ Méav: Lay Your Head Down - Live in Belfast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W-SucWpsZA Méav: My Heart Will Go On - Live in Belfast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt1W5aOIx9Y916今晚,我第一次听到meav的除one I love 之外的其他歌曲,比如船歌,A maid in bedlam一类。对于我而言,只是一个注定无眠的夜晚,倒不是心情不好,只是太忙,没有合眼的功夫罢了。但是心情不免烦躁,“不给人饭吃会把人逼死,但不让人睡觉会把人逼疯”,约是如此。于是打开音乐,偶然发现她的其他歌, 混着IL Divo与Andy Williams的歌曲反复反复又反复,心情也随之而沉淀下来。此三位都大可称为天籁,meav空灵,IL Divo沉静,Andy Williams厚实,编织成我这1All of my friends fell out with me Because I kept your company 旋律像一首歌很熟的歌3……图片上传不成功,于是传附件了…… 歌迷论坛找的17大家好,我是来自海莉吧的吧友,今天我正式加入了咱们“美肤”吧,嘿嘿,请允许我这么叫,之前一直都没空,但我已经听了她的美妙的歌声,非常棒!今天我非常高兴能加入咱们的大家庭,希望能和大家交个朋友,感谢@伤之春逝 是他推荐了我这么优秀的一位歌手,之前我对她也不了解,后来才知道原先她也是凯尔特女人里的一员,同海莉一样,她们两位都很棒!6别样温柔ailein duinn143吧主还有大神不要藏着腋着了,都详细讨论下吧@伤之春逝 @chloroplast @萝林的月光里23Meav又有演出了。 Méav will sing as the special guest of the Ulster Orchestra in the Waterfront, Belfast on St Patrick’s Day 2014. The concert, entitled The Emerald Screen, will showcase the best of Irish movie music. Tickets are sold out but the concert will be broadcast live on BBC Radio Ulster at 8pm.1112本人已申请到贵吧吧主,对贵吧的初步改造也已完成。接下来的日子里我将会原创一些有关美芙的帖子,为本吧的良好秩序身体力行,发挥好带头作用。各位亲13不过不用怕,哪个“美芙”吧迟早也会是我的2Meav吧和美芙吧应该合并